Online Features

Breaking Immigration Norms Towards Refugees in the Age of COVID-19

Capitalism and white supremacy, together the axes around which most of our contemporary existence has revolved, appear to have been dealt a rattling blow with the arrival of COVID-19.

What Would Abolition Look Like?

Policing and the wider criminal justice system have a long history as an integral part of capitalism and colonialism. That history informs their continued function of ‘managing’ marginalized communities who might resist the expansion of capital.

A Global Black Call to Action

We are the children of uprisings, a generation standing on the shoulders of those that came before us, and a people united to usher in a new world. We call on our siblings across the world to join us on June 19th.

Are We Also Ready to Confront the Wages of Complicity?

As this movement against systemic anti-blackness continues to take shape, it’s really important that we call out this “system” by its name–racial capitalism, which has always functioned through racial domination and class hierarchies, on appropriated land.

Protests over George Floyd’s Murder Open National Debates on Racism

Polls show that 80 percent of Americans support the protests that took place in 700 cities in all 50 states and which have fostered in virtually every institution, from public agencies to private businesses, a national discussion about racism.

From Passionate Uprising to Sustained Rebellion

The passionate uprising that began in Minneapolis after police murdered George Floyd quickly spread across the country and around the world, is now the biggest upheaval since 1968.

Notes on the Black Lives Matter Uprising in Historical and Global Context

The Black Lives Matter uprising in the USA, the working-class resistance to unsafe conditions in Italy, and the fight by Hong Kong youth against the repressive Chinese regime exemplify a new generation on the move for radical change.

Why Affluent Indians Speak Up about Race but stay Silent about Caste

The fact that average upper-caste Indians speak up about racism but not about caste shows their duplicity, hypocrisy and armchair activism for believing in a concept that should be discarded.

Ten Days that May Have Changed the World: An Internationalist Perspective

Sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and fueled by Minneapolis authorities’ reluctance to arrest and charge the murderer’s three police accomplices, mass protests have been sweeping across the United States with an intensity not seen since the 1960s.

Tail Can’t Wag the Dog: The DSA NPC Vote on Swing States and The Questions for Democracy

The DSA National Political Committee report posted on 5/4/20 showed an alarming question that had come to a vote: “Should DSA ask members in swing states to consider voting for Biden?”

America’s Unfinished Revolution

How quickly the government wants us to get back to the status quo where the ruling elite has been looting from the working poor every single day of our lives.

“Dirty Break” for Independent Political Action or a Way to Stay Stuck in the Mud?

Does the history of Minnesota’s Farm-Labor Party in the 1920s and 1930s hold any lessons for socialists today? Kim Moody responds to an article by Eric Blanc.

Covid-19: Aiding the Socially Vulnerable & Preventing a Second Wave in the UK

Increasing the financial support available to migrants – including asylum seekers and those with insecure immigration status — would not only protect their lives but those of the wider public.

Trump, Sanders, and the Crisis of Neoliberalism (Part Two)

The fundamental contradiction for many socialists when considering Bernie’s candidacy is simple. He ran as a socialist (or at least a social democrat) within a capitalist party.

Stop Police Violence against Anti-Racist Protesters!

This violence is an extension of the police violence that took the life of George Floyd and, more generally, the state violence visited on Black and other people of color on this continent over the last five hundred years.

Firing Up the House of Labor to Fight for Racial Justice: Confronting Hard Truths

Defending truths about union democracy and the inseparability of racial and economic justice in our society has shown to be extraordinarily demanding work, yet it is an unavoidable goal if the organized power of the working class is to (help) free the human race.

History Marched Past my Door Last Night Carrying the Future on Her Shoulders

A march came by my house in Brooklyn a few nights ago, a river of thousands of young people of all races, wearing masks because of the pandemic, walking together, shouting out the name of George Floyd, demanding justice. I saw history making its way through the city.

The U.S. protests: Lessons from Syria

In the spirit of solidarity with those on the streets, Leila Al Shami offers lessons from the Syrian revolution that might be applicable to the uprising against police violence in the United States.

The Uprising in Minneapolis

Since the the murder of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, MN, on May 25th, the city of Minneapolis has become the center of a national uprising against the murder of black and brown people by police.

We Don’t Need Cops To Take A Knee, We Need Them To Take Off Their Badges…For Good

Social media streams are currently overrun with images and videos of mace, tear gas, and rubber bullets being savagely deployed against unarmed citizens.

Trump, Sanders, and the Crisis of Neoliberalism (Part One)

We continue to live in the shadow of the Great Recession of 2008. The protracted and partial economic recovery has led to a political and ideological crisis of neoliberalism.
