From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Reid Mandell
* M. Riben reply to Betty Reid Mandell
* D. Finkel reply to Sherry Gorelick
(see Debate: Anti-Semitism and Socialism)
Planetary Citizen, Kurt Vonnegut: 1922-2007, Gregory D. Sumner
Special Section on Latin America
* Making Sense of Latin America’s “Third Left”, Marie Kennedy and Chris Tilly
* Venezuela’s PSUV and Socialism from Below, Interview with Orlando Chirino
* Bolivia: Latin America’s Experiment in Grassroots Democracy, Nancy Romer (with notes)
* Latin America: A Resurgent Left?, John L. Hammond
* Attack and Burn!, Robert Joe Stout
The Question of Palestine, Interview with Bashir Abu-Manneh
Hammerin’ on Heaven’s Door: Habitat for Humanity and the Rebuilding of New Orleans, Fran Shor
“We Are Two Nations” On the 80th Anniversary of the Execution of Sacco and Vanzetti, Martin Oppenheimer
Smuggling for the ANC: A Politically Incorrect Account, Carey Harrison
Confronting Horror: Writing About Torture, Kristian Williams
poem: Borrowed Light: Here in the Twentieth Century, Sheila Black
War on France, Alexander Zevin
Does Immigration Hurt U.S.-Born Workers?, Martin Oppenheimer (with notes)
America’s Soft Power Dysfunctions, Emad El-Din Aysha (with notes)
After Twelve Years: Where is That Labor-Intellectual Alliance?, Herman Benson
Babble On: Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht on the Radio as Medium, Method, Message, and Metaphor, Everett C. Frost
A film review of Rendition, Kurt Jacobsen
Book Reviews
* Social Capital: The Science of Obfuscation, a review of Mario Luis Small’s Villa Victoria, Stephen Steinberg
* Unraveling the Political Einstein, a review of David E. Rowe and Robert Schulmann’s Einstein’s Politics, Jerold Touger
* When Free Labor Isn’t Free, a review of Gertrude Ezorsky’s Freedom in the Workplace?, Kim Moody
* Return of the Oppressed, a review of Peter Rosset, Raj Patel, and Michael Courville’s Promised Land, Ashley Dawson
* Resurgent Labor: A Lean Analysis, a review of Kim Moody’s U.S. Labor in Trouble and Transition, Manfred McDowell
* Women and American Labor, a review of Dorothy Sue Cobble’s The Sex of Class, Amy Littlefield
Injustice in Iran: An Appeal to the UN, Akbar Ganji
Words and Pictures: My Dorchester Neighbors, Greg Cook