Leonard Weinglass on The Patriot Act



The pages that follow are taken from Seth Tobocman’s new graphic biography of the radical lawyer Leonard Weinglass, Len: A Lawyer in History (AK Press). This particular section is based on a transcript of a talk that Len Weinglass gave at the 2002 Left Forum on the relationship between Nixon-era encroachments on civil liberties and the Patriot Act.

The combination of Weinglass’s informed critique and Tobocman’s striking visuals provides an unusually effective example of political cartooning. As it happens, this is not the first time that New Politics has featured artwork by Seth Tobocman: The Winter 2007 issue included six of his pages on the impact of Katrina and neoliberal public policy on the people of New Orleans. In addition to Len, Tobocman’s books include Understanding the Crash (2010), Disaster and Resistance (2008), and War in the Neighborhood (2000), which is about to appear in a new edition. He is also a founding editor and regular contributor to World War 3 Illustrated.

Kent Worcester













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