Place: United States

Shawn Fain for VP!

The outside-the-box choice for VP.

Book Review

The Veracity of Fiction

With Radioactive Radicals, Dan La Botz has written a bold and unique novel that is ultimately a novel of questions and uncertainties.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien Should Not Speak at the RNC

A speaking engagement at the Republican National Convention by Teamster President Sean O’Brien only normalizes the most anti-union party and President I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Socialists Should Advance Our Own Politics in 2024

The Democratic corporate centrist is the lesser evil to Trump, the wannabe rightwing dictator. But does that mean socialists should support the Democratic candidate to stop Trump?

Why Socialists Must Work to Defeat Trump and Elect Biden or Candidate X

A month ago, we had a debate in Solidarity on the question of the U.S. presidential election in which I argued the need to vote for Biden in order to defeat Trump.

Libertarianism and the Far Right

Not So Strange Bedfellows

The Libertarian Party has become just another flavor of the same reaction that propelled Trump to office in the first place.

University Unions United for Free Speech and Protest

A defense of free speech on university campuses from unions across the country

Politics at the Oscars

The best films nominees themselves were in many cases particularly political.

O’Brien, the Teamsters, TDU, and the Labor Left: A Controversy

An important discussion is taking place among Teamster activists about the leadership of Sean O’Brien. It is also a conversation about the part being played by of Teamsters for a Democratic Union.


The Surveillance State and the Color Line

John Clarke recommends Oliver Kearns’ book “The Covert Colour Line,” on racism as the foundation of US and British intelligence agencies.

Electoral Democracy and the Roberts Court

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport outlines various threats to voting rights and democratic elections, posed by the conservative Supreme Court.

Cornel West, Jill Stein, and the Green Party

An assessment of left third party presidential campaigns in the United States

Turmoil in American Politics

American politics are in turmoil, all of politics in the broadest sense. 
In the White House, in the Congress, in the courts, in state governments, in communities urban, suburban, and rural, in labor and social movements, and in the streets. . . .

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The Party’s Over

The Crisis of Left Electoralism

Socialists need to use the growing working class surge to get beyond the dead end of mainstream electoral politics.

The 2023 Rutgers Wall-to-Wall Strike

Taking the Class Struggle in Higher Education to a New Level

Lessons from the historic and broad-based Rutgers strike.

Cornel West for President? – Part 7 – Ron Daniels for President- 1992

Ron Daniels decided to run for president in 1992 after his experience as national director of the Rainbow Coalition during Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign.

Standing Rock

A Struggle for Land and Sovereignty

Brian Ward narrates his experience of participating in the Standing Rock encampment in 2016 and analyzes the legacy of the struggle.

The New U.S. Labor Movement

The labor movement in the United States is passing through a transition from the stagnation of the period from 1980-2010 to a new period of dynamic change in industrial decentralization, new technologies, work, organization, union activism, and the enormous and enveloping issue of climate chan

Can Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Model” Supplant Capitalist Democracies and Why Should Western Socialists Care? – Part 4

Given China’s drivers, it’s difficult to imagine how this trend could be halted or reversed short of the collapse or overthrow of the CCP. That’s coming but of course it’s impossible to predict when.

Could the U.S. Become Involved in a War Between Venezuela and Guyana?

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro shows new map of Venezuela’s incorporation Eusebio Province of Guyana.
The United States has taken the first steps in becoming involved in a potential war between Venezuela and Guyana. President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela is claiming the . . .

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Cornel West for President? – Part 6 – Jesse Jackson for President – 1984 and 1988

While many Black voters and others admired and took pride in his achievement, some on the left felt he had ultimately served the Democratic Party establishment.
