Category: Socialism

Understanding China

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Ukraine and Socialist Internationalism

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On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 4

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 4.

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 3

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 3.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice – Part 2

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 2.

On Contradiction: Mao’s Party-Substitutionist Revolution in Theory and Practice. Part 1

Explaining and debunking the theory and practice of Maoism. Part 1.

The Necessity of Organizing DSA Members as Workers

Lastly, the synthesis of skills, experience, and political perspective required in the labor movement, and thereby in DSA’s labor work, are all ultimately based on the experience of organizing in the workplace and in the union.

Passing the Baton

Socialism from Below, Women’s Emancipation, and New Politics

We don’t win against oppression by being nice. We win by proudly violating the patriarchal, xenophobic, racist, sexist, classist norms of capitalism.

When should we stop excusing the Russian invasion?

Ukraine, Self-determination, and the National Question

Clarifying left views on national self-determination and the war in Ukraine

The Socialism of the Jewish Labor Bund

The Jewish Labor Bund, from its beginning, described itself as a Marxist, revolutionary party, wanting thus to place itself in the camp of those opposed to the reformist tendencies in the world socialist movement.

For a Cuba with Democracy and Solidarity

Sam Farber provides a critical perspective on the economic policies of the Cuban government and of some of its critics, and offers an alternative to both.

Reply to Eric Blanc’s “Can Leninists Explain the Russian Revolution?: A Reply to Sam Farber”

If the main strategic task for the American Left is to change the existing relation of forces in society, Congress cannot be the main arena of struggle.

Can Leninists Explain the Russian Revolution?

A Reply to Sam Farber

Learning the right lessons from the Russian Revolution is one way socialists today can start to more critically, and more effectively, develop strategies and tactics appropriate to the actual contexts in which we find ourselves.


The Life and Political Contributions of Hubert Harrison

With the completion of his biography of Hubert Harrison, Jeffrey B. Perry has made a monumental contribution to our understanding of one of Black history’s most important yet neglected figures. Hubert Henry Harrison (1883-1927) was the first Black figure in the . . .

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Internationalism, Anti-Imperialism, And the Origins of Campism

La Botz analyzes the pseudo anti-imperialist character of campism and calls for genuine internationalism of workers against imperialism.

Mike Parker: Socialist, Labor Educator, Political Activist – 1940-2022

Mike Parker spent his entire adult life engaged in movements and organizations that he believed would advance the struggle for the creation of a democratic socialist society.

Was there a Revolutionary Social Democracy?

Samuel Farber reviews Eric Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy. Working Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917), a book that is likely to become the focus of important debate on the left.

“That’s So F**king Imperialistic”: Responding to a Supporter of Cuba’s Government

Whatever a genuinely anti-imperialist approach toward Cuba might look like, it cannot be to rally behind a regime that denies Cubans some of their most basic rights.

Beyond Tragedy: Postscript on Kronstadt at 100

To avoid repeating the Kronstadt tragedy, and to build toward principled world revolution, we can commit to organizing transnational solidarity and speaking out against all forms of authoritarian repression.

The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921 as a part of the Great Russian Revolution

The March revolution of 1921, initiated by “Red Kronstadt”, had to complete the cause of the February and October revolutions of 1917. In this context, the Kronstadt revolt of 1921 appears as an integral part of the revolutionary process that took several years.
