Category: Social protests

A Sudanese Dream

In the face of the nightmare that Sudan is going through these days, we have a dream...

What we hope might emerge from the current horrors in Sudan

France: An isolated government, but a movement in suspense

The most important fact of the last few days was undoubtedly the wave of police violence in Sainte Soline, near Nantes, on the Atlantic coast, a violence that reveals the feverishness of Macron and his government.

Understanding the uprising in Peru

An interview with Mirtha Vásquez, former PM under Pedro Castillo, on the explosion of unrest against the imposition of Dina Boluarte and the legacy of Fujimori.

Balance Sheet: Two Years against Cop City

Evaluating Strategies, Refining Tactics

Starting in April 2021, a bold movement set out to defend Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta, Georgia, where local politicians and corporate profiteers want to build a police training compound known as Cop City. In the following assessment, participants evaluate the strategic hypotheses that the movement has produced and tested over the past two years and reflect on the risks and possibilities of the next phase of the struggle.

A Revolutionary Way of Doing Politics Is Taking Shape in Sudan

Sudanese activist Muzan Alneel discusses four years of the Sudanese Revolution and the crucial role played by neighborhood Resistance Committees.

Iran: Secular Revolt Against Clerical Tyranny

Background and prospects for the Iranian protests

A Life of Struggle for Land and Community in Guatemala

Interview with Isabel Solís

Interview with a grassroots Indigenous activist in Guatemala

Haiti: A Crisis Caused by Imperialism and Its Oligarchic Cronies

Simón Rodríguez Porras discusses popular mobilizations in Haiti against the current regime, and the history of imperialist interventions in Haiti.

Building a Movement for Climate Justice

An Interview with Alyssa Battistoni

The climate crisis and a Green New Deal

Peru in Flames

The government of Pedro Castillo didn’t really change many of the policies that came before, we did not find measures that have endangered those at the top, nor have they benefited those below. In the statements of the simple men and women of the mobilized populations we find a constant: The elite did not let Castillo govern because he was one of them. And they are right.

Solidarity Statement with Protests in China

More than just the lockdown, what motivates these protests is people’s sense of not being heard in a political system that so arrogantly disregards popular opinions.

Iran: Secular Revolt against Clerical Tyranny

Background and prospects for the Iranian protests

Statement by Ukrainian Feminists in Solidarity with Iranian Women

Ukrainian feminists see themselves as part of the same struggle as that of Iranian women

Czech Grandmothers with Ukraine

A Conversation with Czech Activist Anna Ŝabatová

A sketch of a long-time human rights activist

Iran Protests Against Compulsory Hijab and State Violence

At this time, international solidarity with women in Iran is critically important in order to help the continuation of the current courageous wave of protests in defense of women and against state brutality.

The United States in Crisis

Homeless Camp

Colin Wilson, website editor for rs21 (revolutionary socialism in the 21st century), interviewed Natalia Tylim and Phil Gasper in July about the upheavals, dangers and opportunities facing socialists in the US today.


Against the Law

The perils and possibilities of law as a tool for social transformation have been debated by legal scholars and advocates for social justice for many years.

The Global Revolt and Its Discontents

Robinson and Rangel offer an overarching view of the revolts across the world today, and analyze opportunities and dangers for the left.

Beyond Roe

Strategic Lessons in the Fight for Abortion Rights

Davison and Pospieszyńska discuss the struggles for abortion rights in Poland and Argentina, and their lessons for the US feminist movement.

The Right to Resist: A Feminist Manifesto

We, feminists from Ukraine, call on feminists around the world to stand in solidarity with the resistance movement of the Ukrainian people against the predatory, imperialist war unleashed by the Russian Federation.

Their Values and Ours: The Debate over Western Values and the Values of the Socialist Left

Where does the Left stand and where should it stand on this question of “Western values”?
