Category: Social protests

France: We Need a Popular Front Based on the Social Movements

This thunderclap, which had been widely announced, must lead the popular and democratic forces of the left to unite in order to fight the evil at its roots. It’s five minutes to midnight!

The Struggle for Sudan

Khalid Mustafa Medani discusses the repression of the Sudanese Revolution of 2018-19, and the origins and dynamics of the devastating civil war between the two counterrevolutionary military factions.

Professor’s Letter in Support of Students in Geneva

I fully associate myself with the terms of the letter from the teachers and researchers of your university, in particular with their defense of academic freedom and respect for the formation of critical knowledge.

Open Letter from the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation

We, the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation, demand institutional accountability and immediate divestment from Israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza.

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam?

In response to peaceful student anti-war protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

Remembering the Portuguese Revolution

The Portuguese revolution began 50 years ago. Labor historian Raquel Valera looks back at the events of 1974-75 and their legacy for the working class and left today.

Self-Organization and the New Left in Ukraine

From Maidan to War

The author (right) on Kyiv’s IndependenceSquare. December 2013.
In early December 2013, I found myself on Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), holding a sign reading “Don’t Believe Politicians—Self-Organize!” as part of a protest with a small group of student activists. Weeks . . .

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Standing Rock

A Struggle for Land and Sovereignty

Brian Ward narrates his experience of participating in the Standing Rock encampment in 2016 and analyzes the legacy of the struggle.

On Martyrdom

The meaning of martyrdom to Palestinians

An uprising for democracy in Guatemala

Protests that are part of an Indigenous-led national shutdown in Guatemala

The Struggle to Stop Cop City—By Any Means Necessary

A history of Stop Cop City and the struggle to defend the Atlanta Forest. A must read for anyone interested in getting the whole story.


Unravelling “Arrythmia”

Jonas Marvin reviews Alexander Billet’s book “Shake the City,” which explores the role of music in social movements.


The Limits of State-Centric Analysis of the Latin American Left

In their review of Gaudichaud et al.’s book, “The Impasse of the Latin American Left,” Paley and Whitener call for greater focus on autonomous social movements.

Cornel West for President? Part 2 – The Black Candidates of 1968

Here we turn to look at the experience of four Black presidential candidates in 1968.

Social reproduction, rebellion and the problem of the state

Elections are superimposed on social struggles through a process that obscures and disorganizes them, and that recodifies grassroots demands, altering and distorting their language and content.

What Happened in Ukraine in 2013– 2014?

Maidan and After

The Maidan in Ukraine through the eyes of participants.

A Sudanese Dream

In the face of the nightmare that Sudan is going through these days, we have a dream...

What we hope might emerge from the current horrors in Sudan

France: An isolated government, but a movement in suspense

The most important fact of the last few days was undoubtedly the wave of police violence in Sainte Soline, near Nantes, on the Atlantic coast, a violence that reveals the feverishness of Macron and his government.

Understanding the uprising in Peru

An interview with Mirtha Vásquez, former PM under Pedro Castillo, on the explosion of unrest against the imposition of Dina Boluarte and the legacy of Fujimori.

Balance Sheet: Two Years against Cop City

Evaluating Strategies, Refining Tactics

Starting in April 2021, a bold movement set out to defend Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta, Georgia, where local politicians and corporate profiteers want to build a police training compound known as Cop City. In the following assessment, participants evaluate the strategic hypotheses that the movement has produced and tested over the past two years and reflect on the risks and possibilities of the next phase of the struggle.

A Revolutionary Way of Doing Politics Is Taking Shape in Sudan

Sudanese activist Muzan Alneel discusses four years of the Sudanese Revolution and the crucial role played by neighborhood Resistance Committees.
