Category: Anti-imperialism

Democratic Socialists of America Faces Challenges at Convention

Without fear of Donald Trump and hope in Bernie Sanders, DSA seems to have lost some of its energy. There has been less membership participation in preparation for this convention.

Nicaragua: Ortega Arrests Opposition Candidates Ahead of November 2021 Election

We should reject the argument made by some on the left that we have to support the dictator Ortega and his government because the U.S. is now opposed to it.

DSA: Solidarity with the Venezuelan people or with the regime?

A pro-regime conference is not the way to show solidarity with the people of Venezuela.

Reflections of an Anti-Imperialist after Ten Years of Debate

What does it mean to be a left anti-imperialist today? Stephen R. Shalom interviews Gilbert Achcar.

The Lausan Collective on Colonialism in Hong Kong

This is an original translation into English of an interview conducted with Lausan, a collective of writers, translators, artists, and organizers, that appeared in German in IZ3W, a left German publication.

The faux anti-imperialism of denying anti-Uighur atrocities

Why are some Western ‘anti-imperialists’ determined to whitewash China’s well-documented crimes against the Uighurs?

No Joint Struggle With Settler Colonialism

The Israeli working class is a settler-colonial, active collaborator with Israeli capitalism in the continued ethnic cleansing and occupation project of Israeli apartheid.

Biden, Borders and the Fight for Migrant Rights

Join us for this online event on Sunday, April 25, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11am PT. Sponsored by: New Politics, puntorojo, Rampant, and Tempest.

Biden to Remove U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

The U.S.-Afghanistan War, which has lasted almost twenty years, has cost the United States 2,300 soldiers’ lives and two trillion dollars, while more than 100,000 Afghanis have been killed.

Their anti-imperialism and ours

The logic of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is a recipe for empty cynicism.

Erasing People through Disinformation: Syria and the “Anti-Imperialism” of Fools

Disreputable writers and outlets, often operating under the aegis of “independent journalism” with purportedly “leftwing” views, are spreading corrosive propaganda and disinformation that aims to strip Syrians of political agency.

Biden’s Plan to Revamp American Imperialism

American socialists face the task of opposing American imperialism while showing internationalist solidarity with struggles for democracy, social reforms, and socialism in countries around the world.

When Your Enemy’s Enemy is Not a Friend

The problem with the campist perspective is that it so fixates on the role of imperialism and places so much emphasis on its ‘anti-imperialist camp’ that it ends up taking a very forgiving view of oppressive regimes.

Review of Palestine, A Socialist Introduction

Palestine is one of the most controversial issues among liberals and even among some socialists. In the U.S., politicians and university administrators war against the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, also labeling it as anti-semitic.

Isn’t it Time for the Truth about Feivel Polkes and His Haganah Chiefs?

It’s time that the Zionists and the Israeli state (whose military developed from the Haganah) explain in full this incident, something that to all appearances looks like collaboration with German Nazis.


Looking Back at Maoism and the Global Left

As against nearly a century of debates over Stalinism, the international left has never come to terms with Maoism, especially its global impact.

Anti-communism with Chinese characteristics

Replacing one capitalist empire with another is futile

Any form of anti-imperialist politics that focuses on nations invariably arrives at pitting one of the faces of capitalism against another, which can only ever reproduce the very system it claims to fight.

Western Imperialism and the Role of Sub-imperialism in the Global South

An examination of the significance of BRICS countries as “sub-imperial” powers in the context of global capitalism and imperialism.

Letter to Mass Peace Action and Peace Action NY State

Any group or entity that calls itself progressive must stand against oppression everywhere. An apologist for Assad’s genocidal regime and his Russian backers should not be normalized nor considered a valid source of information.

The empire strikes back: Joe Biden’s plan to restore U.S. hegemony

Biden is proposing to combine Obama’s muscular multilateralism with Trump’s focus on great power rivalry with China and Russia. This augurs not the peace that liberals hoped for, but a dangerous reassertion of U.S. imperial power.

Using an Award Ceremony to Support the Syrian Struggle

What can be done to show solidarity with Syrians who have risen up against their tyrannical government and its bloody allies? We in Promoting Enduring Peace thought a great gesture would be to give our Gandhi Peace Award to Syrians doing humanitarian work.
