Author: Phil Gasper

The United States in Crisis

Homeless Camp

Colin Wilson, website editor for rs21 (revolutionary socialism in the 21st century), interviewed Natalia Tylim and Phil Gasper in July about the upheavals, dangers and opportunities facing socialists in the US today.

Vladimir Putin

Can the God of global fascists and Nazis “de-Nazify” a country?

Virtually the entirety of fascist, Nazi, white-supremacist and ultra-rightist forces everywhere in the world have been strongly aligned to the Putin regime.

Brazil’s Wounded Reactionary

Bolsonaro’s failure to deliver on the economy and his atrocious response to the COVID-19 pandemic may be the main reasons why his approval rating, as of November, sits at 19%.

Political Change and Continuity in the Dominican Republic

As the Dominican elite consolidates its power under President Abinader and continues its relentless attacks on the working class, the revolutionary left must unite to organize workers regardless of national origin.

Was there a Revolutionary Social Democracy?

Samuel Farber reviews Eric Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy. Working Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917), a book that is likely to become the focus of important debate on the left.

Tenure is the Easy Target but the Wrong One

The attacks on tenure are really just part of an orchestrated attempt to lower labor standards by decreasing job security for workers across the board while weakening higher education.

The Suicidal Democracy

House of Cards Being Blown Apart

The Freedom in the World 2021 report has unveiled 2020 to be the 15th consecutive year of decline in democracy across the world.

U.S. Imperialism in Afghanistan and Beyond

For the family members of the victims, the 9/11 attacks were a tragedy, but for the Bush administration and the U.S. ruling class, they were a golden opportunity.

Settler Colonialism, Not a Nation of Immigrants

Review of Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Not “A Nation of Immigrants”: Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion.

Understanding Antisemitism Is About More Than Israel and Palestine

Antisemitism informs government policy in Poland and Hungary; it shapes the new right and its fixation on George Soros. Any usable definition of antisemitism needs to see that wider context.

One Hundred Years Ago A Very Different Chinese Communist Party Was Born

The Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921 by revolutionary socialists inspired by democratic Marxism and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, was essentially destroyed by Chiang Kai-shek in 1927-28.

British Politics: Racism and the Tories

Culture wars are central to the Tory government’s current political strategy, not least because they cannot deliver material benefits to their voting base. Charlie Hore reports from Britain.

Iran: A New Wave of Mass Protests and Strikes

Iran is experiencing another wave of mass protests and strikes as economic, social, political, environmental and health problems make it impossible for the large majority of the population to have the bare minimums needed to live.

How Contingent Faculty Organizing Can Succeed in Higher Education

Power Despite Precarity is not just a solid guide to best practices in day-to-day trade union work within higher education. It’s also a rousing call for the contingent faculty movement to embrace grassroots, rather than top-down, organizing.

Call for the Release of Detainees in Cuba

The Comunistas blog calls for the release of Frank García Hernández and other leftists detained in Cuba for protesting against the government.

Lies and Professional Politicians

Professional politicians are a relatively recent historical phenomenon and their lies are to a great extent a response to social structural imperatives that did not exist in precapitalist societies.

Beyond Atlanta: Contextualizing Anti-Asian Hate and Violence

We must broaden the contours of what is anti-Asian violence to also include Asian workers being exploited, or Asian women being sexually attacked, a pattern of misogyny and oppression linked to colonialism and white supremacy.

The Legacy of the Paris Commune: 1871-2021

In March 1871, in the aftermath of France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, ordinary Parisians rose up and took control of their city for themselves. Join a panel of authors on June 3 to discuss the enduring legacy of the great Paris Commune and its lessons for today.

Turning a Profit from Death

On Modi's Pandemic Response in Neoliberal India

What is happening in India right now is mass murder. And it is organized by a man who has practice in such matters. Narendra Modi has brutally wielded the might of the Indian state to shape a polity safe for capital.

The Struggle Against Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem

This account of the fightback against the eviction of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem was categorized as “hate speech” by Facebook and taken down after the author posted it there. We republish it in protest against this blatant censorship.

In Memoriam: Kai Nielsen (1926-2021)

The Marxist philosopher Kai Nielsen, for many years a sponsor of New Politics, passed away on March 29 in Montreal, only a few weeks away from what would have been his 95th birthday.
