Author: newpolitics

Contingent Faculty Activism Pushes Legislation into Congressional Budget Reconciliation

The rising movement among contingent faculty has pushed bills onto CA Gov. Newsom’s desk and into the budget reconciliation process in Congress.

The Political Creativity of Sylvia Pankhurst

Socialists and feminists (and socialist feminists) can profoundly benefit from the legacy of Sylvia Pankhurst who is equally deserving of the contemporary attention given to Rosa Luxemburg and Alexandra Kollontai.

21st Century Internationalism of the Oppressed

A Comradely Response to Ajamu Baraka

How does one understand the question of the internationalism of the oppressed? In order to answer this, there are two basic principles we start with: (1) a concrete analysis of concrete conditions, and (2) the law and nature of contradictions.

Three Authors Look at Work's Devastation of Life

How Work Is Killing Us

Three authors—Jamie McCallum, Sarah Jaffe, and Eyal Press– have published important books that examine work and its discontents, in pre-pandemic form.

Going into Labor

Going into Labor

Expecting working people to do the jobs for which they are paid and also help organize their workplaces is a huge ask. One invaluable asset we have is seeing the inseparability of struggles for social justice and workplace democracy.

Recovering the Dialectic of Race and Class Struggle in the USA

In Defense of Richard Wright & Cedric Johnson’s Actually Existing Black Marxism

Insights from Richard Wright and Cedric Robinson lend support to Cedric Johnson’s view of Black Marxism.

The Failure of American Empire Lite

The only thing “lite” about American empire turned out to be a dogged unwillingness to accept any culpability in using power to try and remake the world, instead insisting that the exercise of violence could be innocent as long as the right people were doing it.

Who’s Buried in the Graveyard of Empires?

The Afghan government’s fate is but the most recent in a long list of cases of puppet entities created by a foreign occupation that collapse when that occupation ends.

On Remembering Stanley Aronowitz

Brother Stanley Aronowitz was always ahead of the curve, with his criticism of the shortcomings of old labor and his envisioning of “a new workers movement” that might replace it.

The Inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia Conference – Information Here

We think readers of New Politics may want to know about (and participate in)  the inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia conference (online).

An assessment of the July 11 Protests in Cuba

Analysis from a Cuban historian and writer based in Matanzas, Cuba.

The Dead End of Liberation Theology

We as socialists do ourselves no favors by treating religion less like an ideology or an institution that can be ruthlessly critiqued like any other and more like a quasi-natural part of one’s very being.

The Other Regional Counter-Revolution

Iran’s Role in the Shifting Political Landscape of the Middle East

Where has Iran stood during the popular movements in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria?

Sanctions: An Overview and Application to Myanmar Solidarity

What should the Left’s attitude be towards sanctions against the military regime in Myanmar?

Learning from Industrialization’s Mixed Legacy

Notes on Class Struggle Unionism under Biden

In my remarks I look back at the tradition of the Third Camp, articulated in publications of and about the Workers Party and Independent Socialist League, as well as my involvement in Berkeley with the Independent Socialist Club and the International Socialists.

Pathways to Solidarity: Struggles against Police Brutality in the U.S., Myanmar, and Iran

Why is so little explicit connection being made by activists between the Black Lives Matter uprising in the U.S., the current mass uprising in Myanmar, and the ongoing struggles in Iran?

DSA: Solidarity with the Venezuelan people or with the regime?

A pro-regime conference is not the way to show solidarity with the people of Venezuela.

Tiananmen: For a Different Kind of Remembrance

Only by becoming connected to young people and their movements can any remembrance of a past movement stand a chance of continuing to renew itself and inspire new generations for social change.

Reflections of an Anti-Imperialist after Ten Years of Debate

What does it mean to be a left anti-imperialist today? Stephen R. Shalom interviews Gilbert Achcar.

The Lausan Collective on Colonialism in Hong Kong

This is an original translation into English of an interview conducted with Lausan, a collective of writers, translators, artists, and organizers, that appeared in German in IZ3W, a left German publication.

Remembering Mark Levitan: Comrade and Dear Friend

Student radical, trade union militant, and economist. Michael Hirsch pays tribute to a comrade who has gone too soon.
