The greatest weapon which fascist thinkers have in their arsenal starts with misinformation and disinformation. That is an attack upon the mind by way of erasing historic . . .
A mural near Emeryville Shellmound, the burial site of the native Ohlone people in California | Peg Hunter/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
A previous version of this article appeared in India Forum on December 29th.
Here is my problem with the film. While enjoyable, it is not a great film.
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While portraying himself as a peanut-farming populist, Carter delivered the goods for Wall Street.
Daniel Johnson analyzes struggles over historical narratives in the US, and calls for renewal of history from below, against the right-wing censorship.
Bill Keach reviews Mark Steven’s book “Class War: A Literary History”, a wide-ranging account of uprisings of oppressed classes.
Michael Löwy argues that Marx’s thought has deep ecological significance, such as his theory of the “realm of freedom”.
Dan Davison argues that socialists should engage in elections as a means for agitation and propaganda, following Lenin and Luxemburg.
Lilia D. Monzó and Cristal B. Flores review the latest edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme and discuss its significance for today.
Tom Wetzel reviews Robin Hahnel’s proposal for democratic economic planning, based on workers’ councils, consumers’ councils and a non-market price system.