To Whoever Is Still Willing to Listen


President André Manuel López Obador has deployed several thousand troops of the newly created National Guard to the state of Chiapas to deter Central American immigrants from entering Mexico from Guatemala and in that way to please U.S. President Donald J. Trump. There is fear that not only will the National Guard repress the Central Americans but that it will also be used against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, its communities, and other indigenous peoples. The following statement, which we have translated here, has been issued by Mexican and international individuals and organizations. – Dan La Botz

This is a message of concern for life and for dignity. Those of us who are signing this letter are worried about what is happening once again in the forgotten corner of southeast Mexico that became transformed into hope and rebellion, Chiapas.

This is neither an ideological manifesto nor a declaration taking a position regarding the political changes that are taking place in Mexico. It is a message of genuine concern for what is felt to be developing down there after 25 years, after 500 years of resisting extermination and oblivion. We are worried about those who for a quarter of a century have fought for their autonomy, who have put their dignity above political pragmatism, and who have been an example of freedom in a world in world shackled by fear. We are worried about the Zapatistas.

We are concerned to learn about the growing military activity in the territories of the Zapatista communities. We see that in the midst of the complex security situation that Mexico is experiencing, the movement toward the militarization of the country is gaining speed. It is a warning sign that under the very questionable strategy regarding the National Guard, just as has occurred so many times before, there is a “security” force that doesn’t distinguish between crime and resistance, between cruelty and legitimate rebellion. It is contradictory that when the statistics of the Government of Mexico itself indicate that the Zapatiasta zone has among the lowest crime rates, the security strategy is directed in a threatening way to these zones that are some of the few sanctuaries of liberty and safety for the Mexico of the underdogs.

This appears to be a strategy of war rather than a strategy of security.

We who sign this letter are a diverse group of people, some of whom perceive the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador with hope and others with skepticism, still we are all people who dream of a different and better world. Those of us who support this statement believe that change in Mexico cannot take place under the shadow of political pragmatism, giving into pressures that lead toward authoritarianism, exploitation, and violence on behalf of the 1%, nor can it change with the disqualification of critical voices that with their authenticity and consistency have won the respect of the world.

We see a growing process of hostility toward authentic, historic and legitimate projects of resistance that oppose the Maya Train, the Transisthmian Corridor, and the Integral Morelos Plan, among others. We are concerned to learn about the recent homicides of members of the National Indigenous Governing Congress. We are concerned with the possibility that this government, with its liberal and conservative predecessors, will once again marginalize the indigenous people on the verge of extermination.

The world is watching with its eyes and its heart what is happening in Mexico and in Chiapas.

Stop the war against the Zapatistas and the indigenous peoples of Mexico!


Noam Chomsky

Arundhati Roy

Boaventura de Souza Santos

Raúl Zibechi

Yvon Le Bot

Michael Hardt

Oscar Olivera

Hugo Blanco Galdós

Jasmin Hristov

Joe Foweraker

Eric Toussaint

Michael Löwy

Carlos Taibo

Pedro Brieger

Manuel Rozental

Mauricio Acosta

Vilma Almendra

Nicolás Falcoff

Guillermina Acosta

Iosu Perales

Philippe Corcuff (profesor de ciencia política, Lyon, Francia)

Enzo Traverso

(Susan and Barton Winokur Professor in the Humanities, Cornell University)

Mikel Noval (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna-Solidaridad de los Trabajadores Vascos – ELA)

Manuel Gari Ramos (miembro de la Coordinadora Confederal de Anticapitalistas)

Francisco Louçã (Economista, miembro del Consejo de Estado, Portugal)

Leo Gabriel (Miembro del Consejo Internacional del Foro Social Mundial)

Pierre Galand (Senador honorario, ex-secrétario general de Oxfam Belgica)

Alberto Acosta (Ex-presidente de la Asamblea Constituyente, Ecuador)

Miguel Urbán (eurodiputado)

Raúl Camargo (ex diputado de la Asamblea de la Comunidad de Madrid)

José María González “Kichi” (Alcalde de la ciudad de Cádiz)

José Luis Cano (diputado del Parlamento de Andalucía)

Marco Bersani (porta voz de ATTAC ITALIA)

Tomas Astelarra (periodista, Argentina)

Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua (Indígena Nasa, Pueblos en Camino)

Antonio Moscato (Universidad del Salento Lecce -Italia)

Jaime Pastor (editor de Viento Sur)

Aldo Zanchetta (periodista free lance Lucca -Italia)

Miren Odriozola Uzcudun (País Vasco)

Kepa Bilbao Ariztimuño (profesor)

Rogério Haesbaert (geógrafo y profesor universidades Federal Fluminense y de Buenos Aires)

Gilbert Achcar (Profesor en la SOAS, Universidad de Londres)

Antonio Moscato (Italia)

Virginia Vargas Valente (Perú)

Rommy Arce (ex concejala del Ayuntamiento de Madrid)

Josu Egireun (Redacción Viento Sur)

Mariana Sanchez (sindicalista, Francia)

Jorge Costa (diputado del Bloco de Esquerda en el parlamento de Portugal)

Franck Gaudichaud (Catedrático, Universidad Toulouse Jean Jaurés, Francia / Miembro del colectivo editorial de

Arturo Escobar (Prof de antropologia emerito, U de Carolina del Norte, Chapel Hill)

Olga Luisa Salanueva (Directora Maestría en Sociología Jurídica UNLP, Argentina)

José Murillo Mateos

Hilda Imas

Jorge Ignacio Smokvina

Hernan Parra Castro Presidente Comité Ejecutivo Nacional FENASIBANCOL

William Gaviria Ocampo Fiscal Comité Ejecutivo NACIONAL FENASIBANCOL

César Augusto Cárdenas Ávila Secretario General C.E.N. FENASIBANCOL Detlef R. Kehrmann Camille Chalmers (PAPDA – Haïti)

José Angel Quintero Weir (Organización Wainjirawa para la Educación Propia-Venezuela)

Vanda Ianowski (Docente Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Río Negro Argentina)

Maria Adele Cozzi – camminardomandando (Italia)

Luis Martínez Andrade (chercheur post-doctoral Collège d’études mondiales/Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’homme) Roberto Bugliani (Italia)

Juanca Giles Macedo (Perú)

Joxe iriarte “Bikila” (Escritor y militante de Alternativa y EHBILDU, Euskal Herria- estado Español)



Juan Villoro

Ely Guerra

Oscar Chávez

Francisco Barrios “El Mastuerzo”

Márgara Millán

Juan Carlos Rulfo

Jean Robert

Javier Sicilia

Luis de Tavira

Gilberto López y Rivas

Jorge Alonso

Paulina Fernández Christlieb

Eduardo Matos Moctezuma

Isolda Osorio

Raúl Delgado  Wise

Alicia Castellanos Guerrero

Sylvia Marcos

Carolina Coppel Mercedes Olivera (CESMECA-UNICACH)

Carlos López Beltrán

Magdalena Gómez

Rosalva Aída Hernández

Bárbara Zamora

Beatriz Aurora

Néstor Quiñones

Fernanda Navarro

Alejando Varas

Raúl Romero (Sociólogo, UNAM)

Marta De Cea

Servando Gajá

Rosa Albina Garavito Elías

Eduardo Almeida Acosta

Ma. Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera

Ana Lidya Flores Marín

John Holloway

Sergio Tischler

Fernando Matamoros

Gustavo Esteva

José Luis San Miguel

Lucía Linsalatta

Paulino Alvarado

Peter Joseph Winkel Ninteman

Isis Samaniego Mayra I Terrones Medina (Posgrado en Desarrollo Rural, Profesora investigadora, UAM Xochimilco)

Carolina Concepcion González González (profesora-investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur)

José Javier Contreras Vizcaino (Estudiante Doctorado en Sociología ICSyH-BUAP)

Mayleth Alejandra Zamora Echegollen (Estudiante Doctorado en Sociología ICSyH-BUAP)


Rene Olvera Salinas (profesor de la UPN y UAQ ,Querétaro, México).

Rogelio Regalado Mujica (Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla)

Edgard Sánchez (miembro de la dirección del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores)

Karla Sánchez Félix (filósofa)

Estefania Avalos Palacios (antropóloga)

Francisco Javier Gómez Carpinteiro

Ana María Verá Smith

Rodolfo Suáres Molnar (UAM- Cuajimalpa)

Álvaro J. Peláez Cedrés (UAM-Cuajimalpa)

Mara Muñoz Galván (Observatorio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Mujeres y Niñas)

Aline Zárate Santiago (Colectivo Liberación Ixtepecana)

Alejandra Ramìrez Gaytán (Desempleada y en ocupación alternativa)

Ita del Cielo (socióloga)

Gabriela Di Lauro

David Rodríguez Altamirano Byron

Eduardo Lechuga Arriaga

Carolina Martínez de la Peña

María del Pilar Muñoz Lozano

Juan Jerónimo Lemus

Cecilia Zeledón

Ana Laura Suárez Lima

Lilia García Torres

Iliana Vázquez López

Silvia Coca Katia Rodríguez

Pilar Salazar

Miguel López Girón

Rogelio Mascorro

Alexia Dosal

Edith González

Priscila Tercero

David Hernández

Roberto Giordano Longoni Martínez

Renata Carvajal Bretón

Beleguí Rasgado Malo

Mario Hernández Pedroza

Monserrat Rueda Becerril

Erika Sánchez Cruz Jannú

Ricardo Casanova Moreno

Marisol Delgado

Alejandro Gracida Rodríguez

Ariadna Flores Hernández

Tamara San Miguel

Eduardo Almeida Sánchez



Red Europa Zapatista

Confederación General del Trabajo (Estado Español)

Union syndicale Solidaires, Francia

txiapasEKIN (Euskal Herria – País Vasco)

Centro de Documentación sobre Zapatismo (CEDOZ) (Estado Español)

Asamblea de Solidaridad con México (País Valencia, Estado Español)

Humanrights – Chiapas (Zurich, Suiza)

Comitato Chiapas “Maribel” (Bergamo, Italia)

Y Retiemble! Espacio de apoyo al Congreso Nacional Indígena desde Madrid (Estado Español)

Mutz vitz 13 (Marsella, Francia)

Associació solidaria Cafè Rebeldía-Infoespai (Barcelona-Catalunya)

Adherentes a la sexta (Barcelona, Catalunya)

Ya Basta! Moltitudia Roma” (Italia)

Cooperazione Rebelde (Napoli, Italia)

Espoir Chiapas – Esperanza Chiapas (Francia)

Manchester Zapatista Collective (Reino Unido)

ASSI (Acción Social Sindical Internacionalista)

Pueblos en Camino (Colombia)

La Insurgencia del Caracol (Argentina)

FM La Tribu (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Radio El grito (Córdoba, Argentina)

Red de Solidaridad con Chiapas de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Federación Nacional de Sindicatos Bancarios Colombianos “FENASIBANCOL” (Colombia)

Red Contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad (México)

Unidad Obrera y Socialista – ¡UNÍOS! (México)

Unión de Vecinos y Damnificados “19 de septiembre” (México)

Editorial Redez (México)

Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Solidario (México)

Colectivo Detonacción Puebla (México)

Editorial En cortito que´s pa´largo (Querétaro, México).

Unitierra Puebla (México)

Universidad de la Tierra en Oaxaca (México)

Centro de Encuentros y Diálogos Interculturales (México)

Tianguis Alternativo de Puebla (México)

Comisión Takachiualis de Derechos Humanos (México)

Nodo de Derechos Humanos (México)



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  1. […] group of leading intellectuals from around the globe have penned an open letter calling out the Mexican government’s increased militarisation in the south-eastern state of […]

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