Place: Western Europe

Another View on the 2024 French Legislative Elections

The main story is the RN’s advance, not an NFP victory.

Professor’s Letter in Support of Students in Geneva

I fully associate myself with the terms of the letter from the teachers and researchers of your university, in particular with their defense of academic freedom and respect for the formation of critical knowledge.

Remembering the Portuguese Revolution

The Portuguese revolution began 50 years ago. Labor historian Raquel Valera looks back at the events of 1974-75 and their legacy for the working class and left today.

Ireland and Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence, 1916–23

Ireland and Ukraine have some important parallels during the years 1916-1923


The Surveillance State and the Color Line

John Clarke recommends Oliver Kearns’ book “The Covert Colour Line,” on racism as the foundation of US and British intelligence agencies.

From The Mass Strike, The Political Party, and the Trade Unions

In this classic work, Rosa Luxemburg situates mass strikes at the center of revolutionary political dynamics.


Dramatic, Beautiful, and (Perhaps a Little too Much) Fun

Review of a Netflix series on the efforts to get refugees out of Marseilles in 1940-41


Revisiting Rosa Luxemburg’s Writings on the 1905 Russian Revolution

Robert Ovetz describes the significance of a new collection of Rosa Luxemburg’s writings on revolution from 1906 to 1909, recently published in English.

Boy Murdered by French Police, Protests Follow, Macron Calls them “Inexplicable,” After all, Race Doesn’t Exist in France

I say he was a French boy, because in official circles in France and in society at large race does not exist and so therefore neither does racism.

France: Criminal policing, systemic racism, anti-social policies: supporting a legitimate revolt

The NPA calls on people to mobilize alongside angry young people, to gather in front of town halls, every evening if necessary, to express our rage and our demands.

Appeal on Behalf of Working-Class Youth in France

A large proportion of young people are subjected to racism on a daily basis, victims of prejudice, discrimination and violence.

The Right and “The People”: In the Beginning Was Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi has died at the age of 86….He will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark.

A New Era in Turkey?

The significance of Turkey’s May 14 election

Review: Socialism in Yiddish

Socialism in Yiddish: The Jewish Labor Bund in Sweden
by Hakkan Blomqvist
Translated by Blomqvist and Glasser
(Stockholm, Sodertons University, 2021)

The Jewish Labor Bund in Stockholm, Sweden, marching with the Swedish Social-Democrats on the First of May 1946
If one knows anything . . .

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Biden in Ireland: The Failure of Neoliberalism

Ireland’s recent past, north and south, has been miserable—fueled by the “there is no alternative” capitalism promoted by the Irish ruling class and external powers—which will be highlighted and evident in Biden’s visit.

France: An isolated government, but a movement in suspense

The most important fact of the last few days was undoubtedly the wave of police violence in Sainte Soline, near Nantes, on the Atlantic coast, a violence that reveals the feverishness of Macron and his government.

The Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions: Challenging False Narratives

The claim that the Nord Stream gas pipeline was blown up by U.S. special forces, made by Seymour Hersh, is being used to reinforce false narratives about Russia’s culpability for the war in Ukraine.


The Rise and Fall of the Corbyn Left

A review of Michael Chessum’s inside account and analysis of Corbynism’s trajectories and defeat.

A Century Since the March on Rome

Fascism, Past and Present

Historian Stéfanie Prezioso traces the rise of revisionist historiography on Italian fascism.

Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital

A new anti-militarist movement must uphold solidarity with the civil as well as armed resistance of the Ukrainian people, and with the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian leftists who oppose the Putin regime’s war.

On the Eve of National Elections, Looking Backward

Italy’s Rising Black Tide, A Creeping Counter-Revolution

On September 25 Italy will hold elections following the resignation of Prime Minister Pario Draghi and the concern is palpable.
