Place: Middle East

Reading Tolstoy’s “Sevastopol Sketches” against Russia’s Wars on Syria and Ukraine

In the continuities between the Tolstoyan scenes from the “Sevastopol Sketches” and the destruction of Syrian and Ukrainian cities, we perceive constancy in the fundamentally brutal exercise of State power

Open letter from Israel to the Russian Anti-War Movement

Israeli activists for Palestinian rights express support for the Russian anti-war movement


Half-Apology for Apartheid?

Linfield’s The Lions’ Den reads like an intervention toward holding back the encouraging tide of pro-Palestinian awareness.

We Who Are in Prison Escape Every Day

Students and Women Organizing Against Israeli Occupation: An Interview with Layan Kayed

Layan Kayed, who was imprisoned by Israel for her activism, discusses organizing by students and women.

Left Antisemitism and Consistent Democracy

A Reply to Daniel Fischer

Daniel Randall responds to Daniel Fischer’s review of his book Confronting Antisemitism on the Left: Arguments for Socialists.

An Especially Shameful Episode in Zionist History

We need to know all this history and lots more about Zionist leaders’ dealings with Jew haters so we can immediately confront and neutralize Zionist slander the next time they falsely cry “antisemitism.”

Are Tankie Politics Racist?

Ani White and Gayaal Iddamalgoda argue that so-called “tankie” politics, meaning support for “actually-existing socialist” and “anti-imperialist” states, erase struggles in the Global South.

The Fight Against Antisemitism is the Fight for Total Liberation

In Confronting Antisemitism on the Left, Daniel Randall challenges socialists to confront antisemitism with the same vigor they have taken on other struggles against oppression.

We Anti-Zionists Speak for a Quarter of U.S. Jews

The newest poll numbers show that a quarter of U.S. Jews fundamentally oppose the Zionist project.

The Failure of American Empire Lite

The only thing “lite” about American empire turned out to be a dogged unwillingness to accept any culpability in using power to try and remake the world, instead insisting that the exercise of violence could be innocent as long as the right people were doing it.

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: A Green-Syndicalist Analysis

Since publication of its first assessment report in 1990, the IPCC has borne witness to the ever-worsening problem of anthropogenic climate disruption, together with what amounts to humanity’s suicidal failure to address the factors threatening collective destruction.

Solidarity, Inc. Part III: The absence of protest

Perhaps the most fatal of the teenage anti-imperialist’s distractions was their argument Western governments were actually supporting the dangerous Islamists in Syria they ‘pretended’ to be bombing.

Solidarity, Inc. Part II

What Western anti-imperialists prescribe for their Arab counterparts

The purpose of the teenage anti-imperialist is to take a precise position at a certain moment in time for a mostly-domestic, aesthetic purpose.

Iran: A New Wave of Mass Protests and Strikes

Iran is experiencing another wave of mass protests and strikes as economic, social, political, environmental and health problems make it impossible for the large majority of the population to have the bare minimums needed to live.

Solidarity, Inc. Part I: The Industrialisation of Solidarity

Introducing the ‘teenage anti-imperialist’, the ‘solidarity market’, and ‘contrarian continuity’ between anti-imperialists and ‘their ‘establishment parent’/’imperialist’ governments.

Assad’s Pyrrhic Victory

It’s difficult to recollect the euphoria of the early days of the 2011 uprising in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Reflecting on that time, Syrians speak of the breaking of the “fear barrier”—the suffocating authoritarianism and repression that . . .

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Some Good News–Support for Palestinians is Growing

It may be hard to believe, but against the background of daily killings of Palestinians and statements of blanket support for Israel by Imperial Leader Biden, there is some good news. Many Israelis are courageously denouncing Israeli apartheid and support for Palestinians has been growing fast around the world and in some unusual places.

Reflections of an Anti-Imperialist after Ten Years of Debate

An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

What does it mean to be a left anti-imperialist today? Stephen R. Shalom interviews Gilbert Achcar.

The Other Regional Counter-Revolution

Iran’s Role in the Shifting Political Landscape of the Middle East

Where has Iran stood during the popular movements in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria?

Reflections of an Anti-Imperialist after Ten Years of Debate

What does it mean to be a left anti-imperialist today? Stephen R. Shalom interviews Gilbert Achcar.

Progressives Break with Biden Over His Uncritical Support for Israel

For the first time, the Democrats face a small but determined group within the party who demand a break from unconditional support for Israel and support for Palestinian rights.
