Place: Eastern Europe

Ukrainian Union Says Russia Intentionally attacks Civilians

The Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU), a member organization of the International Trade Union Confederation and the European Trade Union Confederation, calls on the international community, the ITUC, the ETUC, and their member organizations, as well as the governments of democratic states, to strengthen their support for Ukraine.

No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world

A critique of recent campist discussions of the Ukraine war.

Ireland and Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence, 1916–23

Ireland and Ukraine have some important parallels during the years 1916-1923

Lenin’s Revenge: Early Soviet Hidden Voices

A century after Lenin’s death, scholars and leftists continue to discuss the life and legacy of the leader of the Russian Revolution. But a fundamental question remains largely unanswered. What did Soviet citizens themselves think of Lenin?

Marot’s rejoinder to Pirani

John Marot defends his review from author Simon Pirani’s criticisms.

Simon Pirani replies to review by John Marot

Simon Pirani challenges John Marot’s review of his book on early Soviet Russia.

On the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion: Stand with Ukraine

Supporting the Palestinian cause, however, should not take away from the need to stand with Ukraine. In both cases, a stronger military power is attempting to occupy and deny self-determination to oppressed people.

Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine

Statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine and Palestine are both cases of imperialism

How to Understand Russia’s Imperialist Attitude Toward Ukraine

Hanna Perekhoda analyzes construction of Russian imperialist imagery of Ukraine, rooted in the Russian ruling elite’s drive to maintain its power.

Self-Organization and the New Left in Ukraine

From Maidan to War

The author (right) on Kyiv’s IndependenceSquare. December 2013.
In early December 2013, I found myself on Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), holding a sign reading “Don’t Believe Politicians—Self-Organize!” as part of a protest with a small group of student activists. Weeks . . .

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“Tensions are building in Ukrainian society as a result of neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

An interview with Oksana Dutchak, member of the Commons editorial team

An editor of the leftwing Ukrainian journal Commons discusses the dual enemies of Russian aggression and Ukrainian neoliberalism

The Meaning of “Moderate Bolshevism”: A Book Review Essay

By itself, revolutionary consciousness cannot create wealth and material well-being for most of the population except in the mind of hyper voluntarists such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Ernesto (Che) Guevara.

Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

We, Ukrainian researchers, artists, political and labour activists, members of civil society stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine who for 75 years have been subjected and resisted Israeli military occupation, separation, settler colonial violence, ethnic cleansing, land dispossession and apartheid.

Poland: Women, youth mobilize in election to defeat reaction

How the right as defeated in Poland

Two Stories, One Position

As I write (and you read) these lines, two intellectuals, two friends, are persecuted by the respective governments of their countries. Alina Barbara López Hernández in Cuba, and Boris Kagarlitsky in Rusia.

Imagine a Country

What happens when the right takes over a nationalist movement?

Misguided Award from an Anti-Nuclear Group

An inappropriate award to Jeffrey Sachs

Ukraine: arms, alliances, and the logic of internationalism

Further reply to Gilbert Achcar

Further reply to Achcar on Ukrainian arms and alliances

The Article on Ukraine that DSA Suppressed

Notes from Kyiv: Which side are we on?

You cannot understand the war in Ukraine without knowing its history.

From The Mass Strike, The Political Party, and the Trade Unions

In this classic work, Rosa Luxemburg situates mass strikes at the center of revolutionary political dynamics.

Warsaw Ghetto Cycle: Poems

Poems on the Warsaw Ghetto and its resistance.
