The editorial board of New Politics is very sad to report the death of Phyllis Jacobson, co-founder and long-time co-editor of the journal. Phyllis died on March 2, 2010, after suffering a devastating stroke close to ten years ago. We are deeply indebted to Phyllis and her late husband Julie for tirelessly holding high the banner of radical, democratic socialism and independent politics.
The Jacobsons did not want an editorial board of clones. They welcomed board members from a range of left perspectives that supported the basic orientation of New Politics: standing "in opposition to all forms of imperialism," "uncompromising in its defense of feminism and affirmative action," and above all insisting "on the centrality of democracy to socialism and on the need to rely on mass movements from below for progressive social transformation." We are proud to have worked with Phyllis in this ongoing struggle.
For over a half-century Phyllis was an indefatigable fighter against injustice, an anchor for those of us committed to independent socialism. Her brilliance, her dynamism, her determination have given independent socialists hope. She continues to inspire us today.
We collect below some memories and thoughts about Phyllis. If others would like to add to this collection, please write us at
— Joanne Landy and Stephen R. Shalom for the New Politics editorial board
Lynn Chancer, A Personal and Political Tribute to Phyllis
Barry Finger, Phyllis Jacobson: An Appreciation
Stephen Steinberg, A Robust Voice for Such a Diminutive Person
Samuel Farber, Good Bye, Phyllis
Bogdan Denitch, DSA, For Phyllis Jacobson, A Comrade
David Finkel, Against the Current, A Tribute to Phyllis Jacobson
Lance Selfa, ISO, Condolence Statement
Some New Politics articles by Phyllis Jacobson
"The Need to Say NO," New Politics, old series, Summer 1962
"Kate Millet and Her Critics," New Politics, old series, Fall 1970
"Black Outrage in Los Angeles," New Politics, new series, Summer 1992
"Two Invented Lives," New Politics, new series, Summer 1997
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