Online Features

Why African Americans Should Support Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is about national self-determination—and we need to support the resistance in Ukraine because it is the right thing to do in the face of injustice.

Polarization and protest in Ciudad Juárez

Residents and migrants in Ciudad Juárez have ramped up protest in the wake of the fire that killed forty men detained by the National Migration Institute.

Constitutions Are the Problem

An excerpt from We the Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the Few. Direct self-organization makes a constitutional system unnecessary while simultaneously dismantling the rule of property.

What’s Wrong with Ukraine’s Wartime Diplomacy in the Global South

In the month of the first anniversary of Russia’s illegal and brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine, president Volodymyr Zelensky held a speech at the European Parliament, where he declared Russia to be “the biggest anti-European force of . . .

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Biden in Ireland: The Failure of Neoliberalism

Ireland’s recent past, north and south, has been miserable—fueled by the “there is no alternative” capitalism promoted by the Irish ruling class and external powers—which will be highlighted and evident in Biden’s visit.

France: An isolated government, but a movement in suspense

The most important fact of the last few days was undoubtedly the wave of police violence in Sainte Soline, near Nantes, on the Atlantic coast, a violence that reveals the feverishness of Macron and his government.

I’m a longtime NJ peace activist — and I support Ukraine

An op-ed calling for solidarity with the Ukrainian struggle for self-defense

Understanding the uprising in Peru

An interview with Mirtha Vásquez, former PM under Pedro Castillo, on the explosion of unrest against the imposition of Dina Boluarte and the legacy of Fujimori.

Book Review Essay: Mexico, Transnational and World Revolution

While I admire the political values of these two scholars, I don’t find either of these books satisfying because they like many other authors perpetuate the romantic view of Ricardo Flores Magón.

Disappeared for 10 Years in Syria

Everyone you see in the photo above was kidnapped by Assad forces on March 9-11 in 2013.  Exactly 10 years ago.  The mother depicted, Rania Alabbasi, was a dentist and Syria’s most famous chess . . .

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Balance Sheet: Two Years against Cop City

Evaluating Strategies, Refining Tactics

Starting in April 2021, a bold movement set out to defend Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta, Georgia, where local politicians and corporate profiteers want to build a police training compound known as Cop City. In the following assessment, participants evaluate the strategic hypotheses that the movement has produced and tested over the past two years and reflect on the risks and possibilities of the next phase of the struggle.

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analyzing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

Ukraine has long been a victim of Russian imperialism, pre-capitalist, capitalist, Soviet, and then state-capitalist.

Voices of the Ukrainian Resistance

Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity is a highly commendable work that gives a needed platform to Ukrainian socialists and trade unionists.

Our Slogan Is “War Against War”

Russian socialists on the nature of the war in Ukraine and the delusions of Western “pacifists”

Russia’s socialist movement supports Ukraine’s just war of self-defense

Nicaragua: Ortega Strips Nationality from 94 Opponents

Years ago, the famous Nicaraguan poet Giaconda Belli wrote,

¿Qué sos, Nicaragua

Para dolerme tanto?

What are you, Nicaragua

To hurt me so?

The lines seem particularly poignant and appropriate now.

The Jewish Labor Bund’s Medem Sanatorium: 1926-1942

[PDF][Print]Children at the Medem Sanatorium reading the Bund’s daily newspaper, the Folkstsaytung
Secularism and enlightenment swept through the insular world of East European Jewry, starting in the middle of the 19th century, and ending in . . .

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A Critique of Commodified Healthcare

Only once we understand this can we then appreciate that our society needs a structure to control the amount of buying and selling of life that can occur. It needs to be regulated. There must exist a central regulatory body whose role is to limit the unrelenting power of commodified healthcare. This can only occur in a system where healthcare is run at a state or federal level.

The Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions: Challenging False Narratives

The claim that the Nord Stream gas pipeline was blown up by U.S. special forces, made by Seymour Hersh, is being used to reinforce false narratives about Russia’s culpability for the war in Ukraine.

The Future of Cuba—Part Two

What are the likely consequences of Cuba’s exiting from its current economic crisis?

Nicaragua: Ortega and Biden Make a Deal

The release of the prisoners now makes it possible for President Biden and Blinken to make a deal with Ortega that would improve his situation—removing the sanctions—while increasing U.S. influence in Nicaragua. Ortega accused the opponents he imprisoned of being traitors working for the United States, but it is he who wants a closer relationship with Washington.

Ukraine: Those who choose not to see, those who choose not to hear, those who choose to forget

Those who speak of “peace” by not supporting the legitimate right of Ukrainian peoples to self-determination and to live, those who break with support for national liberation struggles are mistaken and contribute to undermining the rights of all citizens, in Ukraine and around the world.
