Online Features

The coming Israeli attack on Iran

There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.

Indonesia’s Nepo Baby Takes Charge

Although only just elected, the trajectory of a Prabowo presidency is clear. At best, he will continue Jokowi’s policies, and at worst, he will take the nation in the same direction as the ill-fated Suharto regime.

Labor Education for All Workers

As the cause of labor has long declared “a new social order is needed.” Labor education will help create the possibility for this new social order—democratic control of our workplaces and communities—to emerge.

U.S. Economy: Saved by Immigrants

The pickup in U.S. growth last year came from a sharp rise in net immigration. In simple terms, more workers generate more goods and services.

Politics at the Oscars

The best films nominees themselves were in many cases particularly political.

Mexico: Sheinbaum and the Generals

laudia Sheinbaum, the ruling party’s 2024 presidential candidate, does not have AMLO’s power and is unlikely to enjoy his level of support among legislators.

Ireland and Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence, 1916–23

Ireland and Ukraine have some important parallels during the years 1916-1923

O’Brien, the Teamsters, TDU, and the Labor Left: A Controversy

An important discussion is taking place among Teamster activists about the leadership of Sean O’Brien. It is also a conversation about the part being played by of Teamsters for a Democratic Union.

Lenin’s Revenge: Early Soviet Hidden Voices

A century after Lenin’s death, scholars and leftists continue to discuss the life and legacy of the leader of the Russian Revolution. But a fundamental question remains largely unanswered. What did Soviet citizens themselves think of Lenin?

Marot’s rejoinder to Pirani

John Marot defends his review from author Simon Pirani’s criticisms.

Simon Pirani replies to review by John Marot

Simon Pirani challenges John Marot’s review of his book on early Soviet Russia.

On the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion: Stand with Ukraine

Supporting the Palestinian cause, however, should not take away from the need to stand with Ukraine. In both cases, a stronger military power is attempting to occupy and deny self-determination to oppressed people.

Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine

Statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine and Palestine are both cases of imperialism

Gentrification and Social War

Andrew talks through the organizing reality of confronting housing as both a commodity and a human necessity.

Cornel West for President? – Part 7 – Ron Daniels for President- 1992

Ron Daniels decided to run for president in 1992 after his experience as national director of the Rainbow Coalition during Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign.

“Tensions are building in Ukrainian society as a result of neoliberal policies imposed by the government”

An interview with Oksana Dutchak, member of the Commons editorial team

An editor of the leftwing Ukrainian journal Commons discusses the dual enemies of Russian aggression and Ukrainian neoliberalism

The New U.S. Labor Movement

The labor movement in the United States is passing through a transition from the stagnation of the period from 1980-2010 to a new period of dynamic change in industrial decentralization, new technologies, work, organization, union activism, and the enormous and enveloping issue of climate chan

We Need Creative Measures Against the Genocidaires

Use all kinds of peaceful creative measures to embarrass, shame, inconvenience and bother the mass killers.

Gaza: A Ghastly Window into the Crisis of Global Capitalism

Gaza is a real-time alarm bell that genocide may become a political tool in the decades to come for resolving capital’s intractable contradiction between surplus capital and surplus humanity.

Historic Ruling by the International Court of Justice

The ruling against Israel at the International Court of Justice today is historic, notwithstanding that it fudged South Africa’s request for a provisional order for a ceasefire.

Ecuador’s reactionary war

Ecuador has begun to experience a pattern of violence similar to that of Colombia and Mexico.
