Issue section: Reviews



Early Criticism of the October Revolution

John Marot critically reviews a collection of essays written by Communist dissidents in 1920-22 in opposition to the New Economic Policy, translated by Simon Pirani.


The Surveillance State and the Color Line

John Clarke recommends Oliver Kearns’ book “The Covert Colour Line,” on racism as the foundation of US and British intelligence agencies.


The Flat World and the Flat-Worlders

John Feffer reviews Kevin Funk’s “Rooted Globalism”, on the persistence of the national character of each capitalist class amidst globalization.


A Progressive Analysis of Veterans and Veterans Affairs

Betsy Zucker reviews Gordon et al.’s book “Our Veterans,” on the veterans’ healthcare in the US and the threat of privatization.


Recognizing the Counterrevolution!

Frances Fox Piven reviews and praises Stephen Steinberg’s book Counterrevolution, on the rise of the racist right in the US, attacking the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement.


The Limits of State-Centric Analysis of the Latin American Left

In their review of Gaudichaud et al.’s book, “The Impasse of the Latin American Left,” Paley and Whitener call for greater focus on autonomous social movements.


Rage Against the Machine

Chicago Democratic Politics and their Contradictions

Guy Miller reviews Gordon K. Mantler’s “The Multiracial Promise,” an account and analysis of Harold Washington’s mayoralty in Chicago in the 1980s.


From Kosovo to Ukraine

Promise Li reviews Gilbert Achcar’s “The New Cold War,” an analysis of inter-imperialist rivalry between the US, Russia, and China.


The Rise and Fall of the Corbyn Left

A review of Michael Chessum’s inside account and analysis of Corbynism’s trajectories and defeat.


Life-making Through Socialist Feminism

On Afary’s compelling case for socialist feminism as an urgent response to twenty-first century crises.


Action for Disability Justice

Tess Sheldon reviews a memoir of disability activism


Socialism or Barbarism! Truer than Ever?

Michael Broz reviews Neil Faulkner’s book of Marxist analysis on the accelerating ecological and social crisis.


Russia’s Anti-capitalist Intelligentsia

Peter Ranis reviews Ilya Budraitskis’s book on the history of left dissidents in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.


White Torture

Frieda Afary reviews a collection of interviews with 12 women political prisoners in Iran.


Against the Law

The perils and possibilities of law as a tool for social transformation have been debated by legal scholars and advocates for social justice for many years.


Comic Books as Propaganda

A review of a new contribution to the field of comics studies.


Marx’s Last Years Explored

Karl Marx’s last years, when he famously failed to complete all the volumes of Capital, were for a long time viewed as a period of illness and even senescence, even though he was only 64 years old at his death . . .

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The Centrality of Dialectics in Marxist Theory and Politics

Kevin B. Anderson’s1 latest offering, Dialectics of Revolution, brings forward diverse perspectives on the concept of dialectics that have been discussed over the past two centuries. Beginning from Hegel, Anderson extends the discussion to Marx and then further on to . . .

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What Is Social Reproduction Theory Trying to Explain?

Ferguson lays out the issues, doesn’t hide behind political labels, and advances a sophisticated analysis that crystallizes some contemporary thinking.


The Life and Political Contributions of Hubert Harrison

With the completion of his biography of Hubert Harrison, Jeffrey B. Perry has made a monumental contribution to our understanding of one of Black history’s most important yet neglected figures. Hubert Henry Harrison (1883-1927) was the first Black figure in the . . .

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Marxism and Art

In his most recent book, John Molyneux provides a well-researched overview and analysis of the visual arts in Western society, written from the standpoint of revolutionary Marxism. Molyneux was a longtime member of the UK Socialist Workers Party and is . . .

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