Issue number: 74

The Rise and Fall of the Corbyn Left

A review of Michael Chessum’s inside account and analysis of Corbynism’s trajectories and defeat.


Life-making Through Socialist Feminism

On Afary’s compelling case for socialist feminism as an urgent response to twenty-first century crises.


Action for Disability Justice

Tess Sheldon reviews a memoir of disability activism

Conceptions of Dual Power and Prefigurative Politics

Wayne Price delineates and examines two complementary tendencies in libertarian socialist politics – a strategy of building alternate institutions and another based on revolutionary mass struggles.

Old Bolshevism, New Bolshevism, and Lenin’s April Theses

Karl Kautsky as Theorist of Permanent Revolution?

John Marot defends the interpretation of Lenin’s April Theses as the pivotal turning point for the Bolsheviks, countering Lars Lih’s and Eric Blanc’s historical narrative.

Revisiting Their Morals and Ours

A critical examination of Trotsky’s evolving views on revolutionary morality and democracy in revolutionary movements.

When Sri Lanka Operated Workers’ Councils

The history of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party in Sri Lanka and its leading role in establishing workers’ councils across the public sector in the 1970s.

A Revolutionary Way of Doing Politics Is Taking Shape in Sudan

Sudanese activist Muzan Alneel discusses four years of the Sudanese Revolution and the crucial role played by neighborhood Resistance Committees.

Presentism: African American Epilogue

Enzo Traverso analyzes Saidiya Hartman’s literary work.

Abenomics and the Liberal Democratic Party

Bad Politics for Japan

Donald C. Wood assesses the failed record of economic policies pursued by Shinzo Abe, right-wing former Prime Minister of Japan.

Antisemitism in Ukraine

An Interview with Historian Serhiy Hirik

Patrick Le Tréhondat interviews Serhiy Hirik, a Ukrainian scholar of Jewish studies, on antisemitism in Ukraine.

Solidarity with Ukraine!

A new U.S. network has formed in solidarity with the struggle of the Ukrainian people

Iran: Secular Revolt Against Clerical Tyranny

Background and prospects for the Iranian protests

A Life of Struggle for Land and Community in Guatemala

Interview with Isabel Solís

Interview with a grassroots Indigenous activist in Guatemala

From the Editors

New Politics editors provide an analysis of the political situations today and discuss contents in this issue.


Socialism or Barbarism! Truer than Ever?

Michael Broz reviews Neil Faulkner’s book of Marxist analysis on the accelerating ecological and social crisis.


Russia’s Anti-capitalist Intelligentsia

Peter Ranis reviews Ilya Budraitskis’s book on the history of left dissidents in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.

Haiti: A Crisis Caused by Imperialism and Its Oligarchic Cronies

Simón Rodríguez Porras discusses popular mobilizations in Haiti against the current regime, and the history of imperialist interventions in Haiti.

The 2022 Midterms

We Are Not Back to Normal, We Are Facing Normalization

Dan La Botz analyzes the 2022 US Midterm elections and challenges facing the left.

Moore v. Harper

A Case that Threatens Democracy

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport discusses the dangers to democracy posed by the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case Moore v. Harper.

A Century Since the March on Rome

Fascism, Past and Present

Historian Stéfanie Prezioso traces the rise of revisionist historiography on Italian fascism.
