Issue: Winter 2016

New Politics Vol. XV No. 4, Whole Number 60

Prospects for Turkey

A Historical Perspective

ImageIn a June 2015 election, the new People’s Democracy Party (HDP) of Turkey passed a highly undemocratic 10 percent threshold to enter the Turkish parliament.

The Sanders Campaign and the Left

ImageSenator Bernie Sanders’ run for the Democratic Party nomination for president has certainly energized thousands. It has also rekindled an old debate on the American left that revolves around the question: Should the left join, endorse, support, or work for campaigns in the Democratic Party?

Bernie Sanders and the Dilemma of the Democratic “Party”

ImageSome months ago I responded to a piece that appeared on the New Politics blog by my longtime fellow NP editorial board member and friend Barry Finger.1 In my own blog, I argued that Barry had a better, more sophisticated understanding of the peculiarities of the Democratic Party and the U.S.

Washington and Moscow: Halt the Bombing and Stop Supporting Dictators in the Middle East!

ImageOutside powers have had a long and shameful history of cynically supporting dictatorships in the Middle East because maintaining friendly autocratic states in the region suits their geopolitical objectives. And today those criminal policies are flagrantly on display. 

From the Editors

In this issue we are proud to present a previously unpublished lecture by C.L.R. James, the noted Afro-Caribbean Marxist intellectual. His discussion of Oliver Cox’s book Caste, Class, and Race, first published in 1948, brings an historic Black socialist voice to illuminate some of the issues that face our own times and the demand that Black Lives Matter.

Turkey, Kurdistan, and Rojava

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C.L.R. James on Oliver Cox's Caste, Class, and Race

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Symposium on Inequality

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A Discussion of the Sanders Campaign

ImageThe Bernie Sanders campaign in the Democratic Party has attracted the support of millions, raised an economic reform program such as we have not seen in decades, and has led to a national discussion about the nature of socialism. At the same time, he has ceased to be an independent, has joined the Democratic Party, and has promised to support its nominee, in all likelihood Hillary Clinton. This has led to much discussion and debate on the left. New Politics has solicited two articles from different points of view on the Sanders campaign, one by our co-editor Jason Schulman and the other by Lance Selfa and Ashley Smith of the International Socialist Organization.

New Politics Vol. XV No. 4, Whole Number 60

From the Editors
Washington and Moscow: Halt the Bombing and Stop Supporting Dictators In the Middle East!, Campaign For Peace and Democracy
A Discussion of the Sanders Campaign

Bernie Sanders and the Dilemma of the Democratic “Party,” Jason Schulman
The . . .

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