Category: Left Politics

Book Review Essay: Mexico, Transnational and World Revolution

While I admire the political values of these two scholars, I don’t find either of these books satisfying because they like many other authors perpetuate the romantic view of Ricardo Flores Magón.

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analyzing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

Ukraine has long been a victim of Russian imperialism, pre-capitalist, capitalist, Soviet, and then state-capitalist.

Our Slogan Is “War Against War”

Russian socialists on the nature of the war in Ukraine and the delusions of Western “pacifists”

Russia’s socialist movement supports Ukraine’s just war of self-defense


The Rise and Fall of the Corbyn Left

A review of Michael Chessum’s inside account and analysis of Corbynism’s trajectories and defeat.


Life-making Through Socialist Feminism

On Afary’s compelling case for socialist feminism as an urgent response to twenty-first century crises.

Conceptions of Dual Power and Prefigurative Politics

Wayne Price delineates and examines two complementary tendencies in libertarian socialist politics – a strategy of building alternate institutions and another based on revolutionary mass struggles.

Old Bolshevism, New Bolshevism, and Lenin’s April Theses

Karl Kautsky as Theorist of Permanent Revolution?

John Marot defends the interpretation of Lenin’s April Theses as the pivotal turning point for the Bolsheviks, countering Lars Lih’s and Eric Blanc’s historical narrative.

Revisiting Their Morals and Ours

A critical examination of Trotsky’s evolving views on revolutionary morality and democracy in revolutionary movements.

When Sri Lanka Operated Workers’ Councils

The history of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party in Sri Lanka and its leading role in establishing workers’ councils across the public sector in the 1970s.

A Revolutionary Way of Doing Politics Is Taking Shape in Sudan

Sudanese activist Muzan Alneel discusses four years of the Sudanese Revolution and the crucial role played by neighborhood Resistance Committees.

From the Editors

New Politics editors provide an analysis of the political situations today and discuss contents in this issue.


Socialism or Barbarism! Truer than Ever?

Michael Broz reviews Neil Faulkner’s book of Marxist analysis on the accelerating ecological and social crisis.

Staughton Lynd and the Labor Movement

Introduction by Dan La Botz

Staughton Lynd looks at Stan Weir’s strategy for labor and Dan La Botz looks at Lynd.

We Should Demand Democratic Workplaces, But What Does That Mean?

As we build collective power with coworkers, negotiate with management, and make demands of employers, workplace democracy is a way of talking about having a say. But what does that mean?

DSA and Russia’s War on Ukraine: Toward a Mass Movement of Solidarity with Ukraine

A critique of the DSA International Committee’s stance on Ukraine

Letter from an American to Russian Soldiers as Christmas Approaches

Putin could end this war today if he wanted. So could you and your comrades in arms if you refuse to fight or simply begin to go home.

Peru in Flames

The government of Pedro Castillo didn’t really change many of the policies that came before, we did not find measures that have endangered those at the top, nor have they benefited those below. In the statements of the simple men and women of the mobilized populations we find a constant: The elite did not let Castillo govern because he was one of them. And they are right.

“Antifascism, Historically And In The Present”—An Interview With Shane Burley

In this interview, Shane Burley, author of Fascism Today and Why We Fight, discusses their latest edited collection No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis, an expansion and extension of antifascist organizing and ideas.

The Ukrainian Left’s View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

It is a precious recognition that negotiations in the understanding of the current Russian government can only take place as a continuation of accumulating multi-layered lies, which appears to be the foundation of the public communication strategy of the Putin regime.

Ukraine: “Which Peace Are We Talking About?” An Interview with Gilbert Achcar

Achcar clarifies and expands his argument on the position the left should take on peace in Ukraine

A brief response about my purported “change of position”

A response to Jean Vogel’s critique of Achcar’s “For a democratic antiwar position on the invasion of Ukraine.”
