Category: Immigration

U.S. Economy: Saved by Immigrants

The pickup in U.S. growth last year came from a sharp rise in net immigration. In simple terms, more workers generate more goods and services.

Polarization and protest in Ciudad Juárez

Residents and migrants in Ciudad Juárez have ramped up protest in the wake of the fire that killed forty men detained by the National Migration Institute.

The Bridge of Stones: A Migrant Christmas Story

If the scene that unfolded December 11 was part of an “invasion” frequently voiced by the U.S. right, it was a curious one, indeed: no battle between antagonistic armies was fought. Many of the “invaders,” were in fact children.

Settler Colonialism, Not a Nation of Immigrants

Review of Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Not “A Nation of Immigrants”: Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion.

Immigrants’ Rights Struggle: A Socialist Priority

In his primer on the DSA convention, Andrew Sernatinger incorrectly states: “A priority campaign over immigration received overwhelming support from delegates [at the last convention, two years ago] but never materialized.”

Biden, Borders and the Fight for Migrant Rights

Join us for this online event on Sunday, April 25, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11am PT. Sponsored by: New Politics, puntorojo, Rampant, and Tempest.

The Children at the Border and the Question of Immigration  

Many of these migrants are coming from Central America and Mexico, the former region devastated by the U.S. support for rightwing governments in civil wars of the 1980s and early 1990s, and the latter still suffering from the North American Free Trade Agreement.
