Category: Gender & Gender Politics

The Abortion Crisis and the Legacy of Activism

The history of the erosion of Roe v. Wade is marked by misguided and failed movement reliance on electoral politics and legalistic strategy.

Afghanistan and Its Challenge to Feminism

The Taliban’s takeover of power after the United States’ brutal twenty-year imperialist occupation is a catastrophe for women not only in Afghanistan but throughout the world.

The Fight to Defend Abortion Rights: A Roundtable

We at New Politics have been horrified by the passage of laws in Texas and Mississippi aimed at reversing Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that upheld women’s right to choose an abortion. The Texas law bans abortions . . .

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Help Afghan Women. Do Not Recognize the Taliban Government.

An Interview with a representative of RAWA inside Afghanistan

An Interview with a representative of RAWA inside Afghanistan

Afghanistan and Its Challenge to Feminism

How should anti-imperialists relate to the coming to power of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan?

Tens of Thousands of Women March for Abortion Rights

The politics of the march in NYC were progressive, with a strong presence of Democratic organizations, such as Indivisible and several independent Democratic clubs.

The Political Creativity of Sylvia Pankhurst

Socialists and feminists (and socialist feminists) can profoundly benefit from the legacy of Sylvia Pankhurst who is equally deserving of the contemporary attention given to Rosa Luxemburg and Alexandra Kollontai.

Texas Anti-Abortion Law Upheld by Supreme Court—And Met with Resistance

The Texas law will not only affect the seven million women of childbearing age in Texas, but could also become a model for other states. It could also spark a new women’s movement, letting people know that Women’s Lives Matter.

The Inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia Conference – Information Here

We think readers of New Politics may want to know about (and participate in)  the inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia conference (online).

Right Campaigns to End Abortion in America

White Evangelical churches, which are the driving force of the anti-abortion movement, are also a core constituency of the Republican Party and the most fervent supporters of former president Trump.

American Progressives and France’s Surge to the Right

Macron’s newest orders banning demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine reveal even more clearly the real nature of France’s anti-Muslim campaign, one that the U.S. and French Left have with few exceptions mostly ignored.

The Red Herring of Liberal Representational Feminism

From the appointment of Justice Barrett, to the silencing of Malala Yousafzai’s socialism, and women’s leadership in the military industrial complex, individualistic, representational feminism proves both inaccurate and dangerous.

Why Isn’t Sexual Violence Being Talked About in This Election?

For every 1,000 sexual assaults on women, 995 of those predators will walk free. So, why is it that this topic has been completely avoided during the election? Why is it that, in the year 2020, women still do not feel safe in the United States?

Indonesia: Mass Strikes Show Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ecology

Over a million people have taken to the streets in Indonesia to protest a neoliberal law that would roll back labor protections, especially for working women, while also opening the road toward greater environmental destruction.

Capitalism Made Women of Color More Vulnerable to the COVID Recession

From the start of the pandemic, job losses for women have been so much greater than for men that some feminist policy makers have called this a “shecession,” in contrast with 2008. And “she” is most certainly a woman of color.

Don’t Hope for a Biden Pick, Dream of Abolishing the Supreme Court

Yes, we must abolish the Supreme Court because it is the antithesis of democratic decision-making. AND, right now, we need to organize to stop Trump’s nomination of a super-villain for a lifetime appointment on the highest judicial body.

The Me Too Movement in Iran: What Is New About It? What Can It Learn From Abolitionist Feminism in U.S.?

Thousands of women and some men have started to speak publicly on social media about their experiences of sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape.

Abortion Clinic Defense: A Testimony

Pro-lifers tear down women. All of us. Even their own. They call themselves pro-life, but they’re really just pro-control. They care nothing for quality of life outside the womb. They would rather stand between a person seeking health care and reproductive justice than stand between a bulldozer and a tent that is someone’s home.

Revolution Means Taking Care of the Future

In their determination and radical nature, contemporary feminisms are initiating radical breaks – in our bodies, on the streets, in bed, and in the household. The slogan of the feminist movement in Argentina sums them up: “We want to change everything!”

Commercial Surrogacy: A Reply to Sara Lee

This is the final entry in a debate that began in our Summer 2020 issue, sparked by Holmstrom-Smith’s review of Sophie Lewis’ recent book Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (Verso, 2019).

Commercial Surrogacy and Socialism from Below

Sara Lee continues a debate with Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith on commercial surrogacy started in our Summer 2020 issue, sparked by Holmstrom-Smith’s review of Sophie Lewis’ recent book Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (Verso, 2019).
