Category: Civil Liberties/Repression

The Seeds of Revolution Have Sprouted: What is Now to be Done?

Turning points in history are very rare. We are now living in the midst of one, with the two months of virtually continuous protests against police abuse, the criminal injustice system, and for a human society that have swept the U.S. as well other parts of the world since the police murder of George Floyd on May 25.

Statement on My Being Shot by Federal Troops

Since June, I’ve been attending peaceful protests in Portland neighborhoods in support of Black Lives Matter. I have gone with family and friends. I am a 52-year-old mother. I am a history professor. I was protesting peacefully. So why did federal troops shoot me in the head Monday night?

Portland Protests: A Chronology of Police Repression

Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE, and possibly other federal agencies are deployed in Portland as this article is being written. They are assisting the Portland Police Bureau to brutally squash the rebellion against business as usual.

The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time

An assessment of the ongoing protests and developing movement following the murder of George Floyd.

The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time

Late May and early June saw the biggest wave of mass rebellion in the United States since the 1960s. Protests erupted in every major city and in all fifty states, demanding an end to racist police brutality. The character of these uprisings has been less like protests and more like rebellions.

Defend the Hong Kong Democracy Movement!

In an act of retribution to the Hong Kong movement beginning last year, which has seen prolonged street clashes between the police and protestors, China has decided to unilaterally impose new national security laws to Hong Kong.

Another Martyr and a Call for Mass Rallies to Inspire the CT Legislature

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, are names made famous in their martyrdom, blacks killed this year by police. Another name should be added, a young black man named Mubarak Soulemane. The 19-year-old was shot dead in West Haven, Connecticut on January 15 by a state trooper.

Punched in the Face: Minneapolis Labor and the Fight for #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd

While much of the labor movement in Minneapolis has embedded itself in the city’s struggle against police brutality, union leadership at the national level has shied away from demands that it clean house.

Trump Rallies for Reopening as Biden Strengthens His Position

Donald Trump held his first campaign rally in months on June 20 in an indoor arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma where speaking to a smaller than expected crowd of only 13,000 he minimized the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic still spreading across the country and failed to address the police racism and violence that have led to protests by hundreds of thousands.

Belgium’s Colonial Crimes in the Congo: A Duty to Remember

Thanks to the Black Lives Matter mobilizations against racism in general, and racism against black people in particular, becoming an international phenomenon more and more people are seeking to know the truth about the dark past of the colonial powers and the continuation of neo-colonialism up to the present times.

What Would Abolition Look Like?

Policing and the wider criminal justice system have a long history as an integral part of capitalism and colonialism. That history informs their continued function of ‘managing’ marginalized communities who might resist the expansion of capital.

A Global Black Call to Action

We are the children of uprisings, a generation standing on the shoulders of those that came before us, and a people united to usher in a new world. We call on our siblings across the world to join us on June 19th.

Are We Also Ready to Confront the Wages of Complicity?

As this movement against systemic anti-blackness continues to take shape, it’s really important that we call out this “system” by its name–racial capitalism, which has always functioned through racial domination and class hierarchies, on appropriated land.

From Passionate Uprising to Sustained Rebellion

The passionate uprising that began in Minneapolis after police murdered George Floyd quickly spread across the country and around the world, is now the biggest upheaval since 1968.

Notes on the Black Lives Matter Uprising in Historical and Global Context

The Black Lives Matter uprising in the USA, the working-class resistance to unsafe conditions in Italy, and the fight by Hong Kong youth against the repressive Chinese regime exemplify a new generation on the move for radical change.

Why Affluent Indians Speak Up about Race but stay Silent about Caste

The fact that average upper-caste Indians speak up about racism but not about caste shows their duplicity, hypocrisy and armchair activism for believing in a concept that should be discarded.

Ten Days that May Have Changed the World: An Internationalist Perspective

Sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and fueled by Minneapolis authorities’ reluctance to arrest and charge the murderer’s three police accomplices, mass protests have been sweeping across the United States with an intensity not seen since the 1960s.

Stop Police Violence against Anti-Racist Protesters!

This violence is an extension of the police violence that took the life of George Floyd and, more generally, the state violence visited on Black and other people of color on this continent over the last five hundred years.

The U.S. protests: Lessons from Syria

In the spirit of solidarity with those on the streets, Leila Al Shami offers lessons from the Syrian revolution that might be applicable to the uprising against police violence in the United States.

The Uprising in Minneapolis

Since the the murder of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, MN, on May 25th, the city of Minneapolis has become the center of a national uprising against the murder of black and brown people by police.

We Don’t Need Cops To Take A Knee, We Need Them To Take Off Their Badges…For Good

Social media streams are currently overrun with images and videos of mace, tear gas, and rubber bullets being savagely deployed against unarmed citizens.
