Anti-war march on Washington, D.C. on November 27, 1965

When I heard that a large group of people who had been prominent in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) had written an open letter about the importance of supporting Joe Biden, I immediately wanted to read it, because long ago that was my organization. SDS, along with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), had been in the vanguard of the new left in the 1960s, and some of these oldsters now want to challenge a position taken by Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), currently the foremost organization on the left today. They tell us “this is an all hands on deck moment,” and that supporting Joe Biden in order to defeat Donald Trump “is our high moral and political responsibility.”

Some of those who don’t like what is said in the letter accuse the sixty-six of some crime called “shaming” – and I don’t quite get that. When someone disagrees with me and argues urgently for a different course of action than the one I am taking, I think that’s okay. Whether they happen to be older or younger or the same age as me doesn’t matter either (although that may be because I am old). Frank, open, democratic discussion is necessary if we are to build a vibrant Left. And it is clear to me that the sense of urgency to oppose and defeat the vicious policies and dynamics of Donald Trump and his right-wing administration is admirable – and it is shared by both sides in this little flare-up.

Given that, what explains this confrontation of “old new left” with “new new left”? Part of the answer may be found in differences between SDS and DSA. While many of its members were socialists, SDS was not an explicitly socialist organization. Also, in the last sections of its foundational document, The Port Huron Statement, there was a commitment to working in the Democratic Party to make it a progressive force. Neither of these things is true of DSA as it currently exists.

DSA is an explicitly socialist organization, and it does not have the kind of commitment to the Democratic Party that was reflected in The Port Huron Statement. It supports certain Democrats sometimes, but its “Where We Stand” statement says something that could never have found its way into the old Port Huron Statement: “Democratic socialists reject an either-or approach to electoral coalition building, focused solely on a new party or on realignment within the Democratic Party. … Electoral tactics are only a means for democratic socialists; the building of a powerful anti-corporate coalition is the end. Where third party or non-partisan candidates mobilize such coalitions, democratic socialists will build such organizations and candidacies.”

Such differences may contribute to an explanation of the difference that has cropped up between the old SDS veterans and the younger DSA activists.

Memories of SDS

The letter of the sixty-six appeals to the lessons of history, which I think is always a good idea. What they do with history, however, strikes me as selective and superficial. The actualities of history undermine the case they make. After following my old friends down the pathways of the past, I will want to return to what seems to me to make sense in the present moment.

I have never regretted being part of SDS. We were not a perfect organization and never claimed to be, but we did the best we could to struggle for social and economic justice and a genuinely democratic society. We did some good things and learned from our experience. I read the letter with interest. Among the sixty-six signers are people I knew as comrades long ago, when I was a member of SDS from 1965 to 1969. It stirred memories.

Even before I joined, I was close to the organization, and I was influenced by the support that many of these signers (and SDS as a whole) were giving to liberal Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1964 election campaign against conservative Republican Barry Goldwater, with the slogan “Part of the Way With LBJ.” I organized as best I could other students in my high school to campaign for Johnson.

I was young and naïve (perhaps the same could be said, in those long-ago times, for the signers of the letter). I did not assume that Johnson was preparing the dramatic escalation of an imperialist war in Vietnam. In the face of that escalating horror, many of the signers played important roles in helping to build the anti-war opposition (as did I), going so far as to refuse to support Hubert Humphrey’s pro-war Presidential candidacy in 1968 (as did I) – although now they regret doing that (unlike me).

One of my most profound educational experiences in SDS was engaging with the incredible speech by Carl Oglesby (at the time the organization’s President) at a 1965 anti-war march on Washington. It contrasted “humanist liberals” and “corporate liberals.” Humanist liberals are those who take to heart the writings of Tom Paine, the opening passages of the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address. Corporate liberals are those who represent the interests of the powerful business corporations that dominate our economy, our society, our government, our foreign policy – to enhance their profits and power, at the expense of the rest of us in the United States and throughout the world. Oglesby urged humanist liberals to join with radicals in breaking from the corporate liberals, in order to overturn the system they dominate, replacing it with a genuinely democratic and humanistic social, economic, and political order, “in the name of plain human hope.”

I see the future society that Oglesby was describing, and that I have been fighting for since I joined SDS, as socialism.

Max Weber or Rosa Luxemburg

While inclined to touch on aspects of the history of the new left, the open letter leaves out any reference to what at the time was the influential perspective so eloquently articulated by this one-time leader of SDS. It does something similar when it refers to a couple of moments in German history. When I saw the letter mentioning the stormy year of 1919, I thought there would surely be reference to the great socialist Rosa Luxemburg. But no, she never comes up. Instead there is reference to the presumed wisdom of an anti-socialist, the liberal academic Max Weber, who warned left-wing students that “the best politics should be painfully aware of the consequences of action, not just intentions.”

This political mentor of the letter-writers had enthusiastically supported the German war effort during World War I, which he saw as necessary if Germany was to function as a leading world power. He had denounced revolutionary socialists as engaged in “dirt, muck, dung, and horse-play—nothing else.” He singled out Rosa Luxemburg (who had spent time in prison for opposing the war) as someone who should be confined to a zoo. Soon after, it is true, he expressed regret when she was brutally murdered in early 1919 by right-wing death squads, but he also suggested she had brought this on herself. Her criminal “horseplay” involved believing that humanity’s choices were either going forward to socialism or sliding down into barbarism. (See:; also Paul Le Blanc and Helen C. Scott, eds., Socialism or Barbarism: Selected Writings of Rosa Luxemburg [London: Pluto Press, 2010].) In the wake of her murder, the moderate leaders of the socialist movement engineered a compromised democracy, with capitalism, militarism, and the fake “populism” of right-wing nationalism intact.

Barbarism would come, of course, in the form of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi movement that grew through the 1920s (in an atmosphere of corporate liberalism, pragmatic centrism, and growing crises) and took power in 1933. The open letter correctly notes that the moderate Social Democrats and the militant Communists might have prevented this had they joined together in a united front against Hitler. Instead they denounced each other, with the Communists engaging is ultra-left street fighting and the Social Democrats supporting the “lesser evil” in the elections of 1932 by helping to re-elect the old conservative nationalist Paul von Hindenberg as the most practical way to block Hitler. Of course, Hindenberg and those conservatives around him decided it would be most practical for them to adapt to the Nazis, and they brought Hitler into their government in 1933, after which he transformed it into his government. This important information, too, is missing from the open letter.

The Here-and-Now: Sanders and Biden

One historical lesson: neither ultra-left street fighting nor settling for a “lesser evil” in the electoral arena will necessarily bring about the results we intend. Instead, it makes sense to build a united front of revolutionary socialists, moderate socialists, and others to fight against lesser and greater evils – in our communities, in our workplaces, in the streets. And where we can elect our own people to public office, backed up by dynamic social movements, that makes sense too.

Another historical lesson: a failure for the working-class majority to move forward to socialism could result in the dynamics of capitalism generating a downward slide into barbarism.

A third historical lesson: it makes sense to grasp the difference between humanist liberals (potentially allies of socialists) and corporate liberals (without a doubt, opponents of socialists and humanist liberals).

I think it makes sense to keep such things in mind as we attempt to navigate the complexities of our own time.

First of all, although some on the left have argued that Bernie Sanders is more a humanist liberal than an actual socialist (I disagree, seeing him as a moderate socialist), there is certainly no question that Joe Biden’s entire political history is that of a corporate liberal. When push comes to shove, there is no question – Biden is not on our side, he is on the side of the capitalist corporations. One could argue that Donald Trump is no better, and that in fact he is much worse. I think that is true. It doesn’t take away the fact that Joe Biden is a corporate liberal.

Second, the Sanders campaign helped to advance the cause of socialism. The campaign identified the power structures and policies dominant in the United States as being controlled by the small class of billionaires, designed to preserve their power and expand their wealth at the expense of the rest of us. It put forward radical reform proposals that challenged the perspectives and power of the billionaires while making sense for our diverse working-class majority, including: Medicare for all; a $15 an hour minimum wage; guaranteed employment and income for all; and a Green New Deal that combines protecting the environment with protecting the working conditions and living standards of the working-class. There is also the insistence that to pay for all of these things we need, we must tax billionaires and corporate profits, not the working class. The word “socialism” was positively associated with these understandings and proposals, inserting that into the popular consciousness and mainstream political discourse.

Third, DSA took a position early on that it would endorse Sanders as a socialist candidate running on the Democratic Party ballot-line, but it would not endorse any other Presidential candidate. This does not prevent any member, or group of members, in DSA from voting for another candidate (such as Biden). One could make a case that people should vote for Biden because he is not Trump, that he has a decent chance to defeat Trump, and that it is very important to defeat Trump. No DSA member who is a voter (and no voter who is not a DSA member) will be prevented in any way from acting on such a conviction.

Fourth, at the same time, the decision would seem to prevent DSA as an organization from doing what SDS did in regard to another corporate liberal in 1964 – campaigning for Lyndon Baines Johnson. There is a logic to this, given the nature of DSA as an explicitly socialist organization. As a corporate liberal, Biden is an anti-socialist, pro-capitalist, pro-billionaire enemy of what Sanders and his supporters were fighting for. While there was much that DSA could campaign for in supporting Sanders, since Sanders’ program was basically consistent with DSA’s socialist program, the same is far from true in relation to Biden. One might vote for him because he is not Trump, but beyond that, there does not seem to be much an explicitly socialist organization would be able to campaign for in what Biden offers.

Biden offers a return to “the good old days” of corporate capitalist America, before Donald Trump assumed the Presidency. Of course, those good old days were not so good, were increasingly problematical and crisis-ridden (in part because of the “pragmatic” policies championed by Joe Biden and other corporate liberals), generating the growing discontent that discredited “mainstream” politicians like Biden and paved the way for Donald Trump. A good dose of what Biden and those around him have to offer, should he win the Presidency, will set us up for the “solutions” offered by forces more disciplined and sinister than what Trump represents.

What Sanders represented was better than that, and in the opinion of many of us, was worth supporting. Sanders has now been defeated, and he – like the sixty-six – is urging us to support Biden in order to defeat Trump. Given who and what he is, Biden may not win, but if he does win, he will offer no solutions, and graver problems will be coming down on us in rapid order.

I have decided to support eco-socialist Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate, so that I will be able to campaign for something I believe in during the upcoming electoral season. Others may think other choices make sense. But for me, this divergence is not the “bottom-line.”

The Bottom Line

Now more than ever, this definitely is an all hands on deck moment, and for more than one reason. The crises of capitalism are deepening in our country, and an increasingly desperate population is polarizing.

We all know of the remarkable (and well-financed) phenomenon of right-wing “populism” that has fueled the “Tea Party” movement and worse, and that has provided the base for Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaigns and policies. Coming out of the shadows are elements prepared to defend old racist monuments of the Confederacy, shoot down young black men wearing hoodies, enter synagogues to slaughter Jews, and rally to state capitals, guns in hand, to push for an end to coronavirus restrictions – in order to “get the economy going again,” so that Big Business can retrieve its profits, even if significant numbers of “lesser people” have to die.

On the other side of the spectrum, thanks to various mass insurgencies that included the “Occupy Wall Street” and “Black Lives Matter” movements, and that found expression in the Sanders campaigns, there are statistics that offer hope. Those in the United States today inclined to identify positively with the notion of socialism include 43 percent of all U.S. citizens, 51 percent of young people (ages 18-29), and 57 percent of Democrats. There is clearly the basis, in the foreseeable future, for a mass socialist movement in the United States. And with it, there will be the possibility of waging coherent struggles on multiple levels that will be capable of moving our society to a transition from the tyrannies of capitalism to the economic democracy of socialism.

The urgency goes well beyond the 2020 elections. Now is a time that requires discussion, debate, planning, and the beginnings of efforts to help us prepare for what we must do in the decade that has just begun. How can we build a powerful and effective mass socialist movement? What is the strategic orientation that can help ensure the triumph of such a movement? This is what we need in order to shake the future, and shape the future, as Carl Oglesby once put it, “in the name of plain human hope.”

About Author

Paul  Le Blanc is professor of history at La Roche University in Pittsburgh.  His books include October Song: Bolshevik Triumph, Communist Tragedy (2017), From Marx to Gramsci (1996), and Lenin and the Revolutionary Party (1990), all available from Haymarket Books.  He has been active since the 1960s in struggles for social justice and is presently a member of Democratic Socialists of America, the Tempest Collective, and the Pittsburgh Green New Deal.
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14 responses to “An “All Hands on Deck” Moment: Sixty-Six Old New Leftists Urge Support for Joe Biden”

  1. Gil Schaeffer Avatar
    Gil Schaeffer

    Bless you, Paul Le Blanc, for informing readers who may not be fully familiar with the history of the New Left that it was people like Carl Oglesby who helped make SDS a force to be reckoned with. His speech, “Trapped in a System,” is a classic as relevant today as it was fifty-five years ago. SDS started out on the left wing of liberalism, and some who opposed the war returned to liberalism later, including Oglesby, but in the second half of the sixties SDS made a break with the Democratic Party that was the beginning of a new left in the US that continues today. Beautiful article. Thanks.

  2. Mike Meeropol Avatar
    Mike Meeropol

    I did not sign the letter from the 66 but I would have. (I was a member of SDS from 1966 till 1969). IN 1968, I campaigned for the Peace and Freedom Party and proudly wrote in Eldridge Cleaver and Carl Oglesby for President and VIce President in Wisconsin (he wasn’t on the ballot there). The idea of rewarding the war monger Humphrey with my vote was too disgusting to contemplate. Despite my hatred of Nixon I do not regret my actions nor Humphrey’s defeat.

    I think there is a big difference between Nixon in 1968 and Trump. I even think there is a big difference between Reagan in 1980 and 84 and Trump.

    Trump is a fascist — another 4 years of Trump might very well tip the scales all the way to barbarism a la Rosa Luxembourg. That is the basis on which I would have signed the letter.

    The point, contrary to what Comrade LeBlanc argues, is not who to VOTE for but who to WORK for. Decided who to vote for is almost meaningless except for one’s conscience. But working to actively prevent Trump’s second term is, in my opinion, essential.

    Sorry to be flip. The working class will not be able to organize for anything — let alone socialism — if Trumpism triumphs and we get an American version of fascism.

    1. Ron Engel Avatar
      Ron Engel

      Thank you so much for this. It is where I stand as well as an 84 hr old veteran of the “cause.” Unfortunately, the alleged polarity between the words “socialism” and “corporate liberalism” are being used to obscure the fundamental question of whether moral principle and decency and the most elementary democratic affirmation of self-government among equals are going to survive in the United States. They will not if Trump is reelected. They have a chance if Biden is elected and we should work on behalf of his election as hard as we can.

  3. Aristides Garcia Avatar
    Aristides Garcia

    I am sorry, Sanders was not building a “socialist consciousness”, he was pleading for a “benevolent capitalism”. Worst, he did endorse Washington’s marauding foreign policy and denounced the Venezuelan government as a “dictatorship”. Further, he did not build a movement capable of challenging the 2 party system responsible for maintaining a racist and imperialist society for AGES. in my opinion SANDERS ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING of any endurance. Benevolent capitalism is a farce.

    1. Jason Schulman Avatar
      Jason Schulman

      The problem with your statement is that Venezuela is, if not a total dictatorship, very close. I highly recommend this anti-Maduro far-left Venezuelan blog, it’s very enlightening.

  4. Martin Comack Avatar
    Martin Comack

    I recall being automatically excommunicated from SDS for not supporting the dictatorships of China and Albania (Albania?). Shortly thereafter the national leadership clique was telling us to “kill pigs” and engage in wholesale terrorism and sexual debauchery while Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn praised the Manson murders (since then both made a return to comfortable bourgeoisie society without ever being indicted for anything – I wonder why).
    Now this collection of moonbats, intellectual lightweights and police agents have decided who we should vote for? To quote Bob Dylan, is this some kind of joke?

    1. Peter Werbe Avatar

      You know who usually are police agents? People who level that charge against others to sow distrust. Your little “I wonder why” is pure calumny filled with unfounded insinuation.

      No one got “excommunicated” for not supporting the terrible authoritarian Weatherman politics. The organization crumbled of its own weight and the cadre went underground.

      1. Martin Comack Avatar
        Martin Comack

        Well, I must say Peter that I find your remarks impugning my motives to be pure calumny filled with unfounded insinuation.
        Up in my attic I still have the copy of New Left Notes that contains a fatwa issued on their own by the SDS national office automatically expelling anyone who didn’t support Mao or Enver Hoxha.
        So far as me “sowing distrust” – distrust against whom? Against a (thankfully) no longer existing collection of goofballs (most of whom the progeny of the 1% by the way) who exhorted young people to “Kill Pigs” and engage in terrorist outrages. I recall Bernadine Dohrn praising the atrocities of the Manson psychopaths, noting that sticking a fork into the belly of a pregnant woman was “groovy.” (This remark is not my opinion but a matter of public record). Now Bernardine and Bill Ayres now reside in an affluent sty in Chicago and are intimates of the Obama family. What does that say to you?
        Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I can remember no public manifesto by “leaders” who were “prominent” in SDS making any attempt to condemn the Weathergang and save the reputation of the organization after the loonies did so much damage to the anti-war movement and to any possibility of radical reform.
        At no time was there any such open letter by the 66, or the 16 or even the 6. Just silence. And now the Old New Leftists are lining up to save us from barbarism. A little late stepping up to the plate would’nt you say?

        1. Peter Werbe Avatar

          Hey, Marty. I ran into you seven or eight years ago at a Left Forum and you were running the same police agent divisive crap about Weather back then. It was all 50 years ago, half a century; give it a rest. New flash: there is no more Weather Underground.
          I know everything about Weather that you do. It’s that your indignation is pretty weird given that the discussion isn’t about the lifestyle of anyone, or what they said when they were in their 20s. But whether or not to vote out a tyrant.
          I was in SDS back then and worked on the Fifth Estate newspaper as I do now, and you must have missed our “Letter to SDS” published right before the Days of Rage critical of their tactics and strategy.
          As you missed ours, I must have missed the New Left Notes that expelled people. Expelled from SDS? That’s a joke. We always paid minimal attention to the national office in the best of times and definitely would have ignored that.
          I was at the Flint War Council when Bernadine made her awful remark that I thought was awful at the time which is why I was one of the people who wrote the letter to them. They obviously didn’t listen. They were over the edge. Now you are. Give it up, already.

          1. Jason Schulman Avatar
            Jason Schulman

            Any further comments in this thread will not be approved.

  5. George Fish Avatar
    George Fish

    Paul, this is just more of that “Don’t mourn, organize!” stuff on the left that’s been floating around for decades, but all to no, on nothing substantial, avail. Our US “left” is but a graveyard of past causes and organizations that were going to “make a difference” by “organizing,” & not “succumbing” to “lesser-evilism.” & they failed! Now, we are in a crucial place, and crucial place is quite simply–we cannot take another four years of Trump! That will truly mean the dominance of barbarism! It will also mean, personally, very likely the gutting of my Social Security and Medicare (I’m 73), which I vitally need, or else playing older and younger people against each other to see whose Medicare and Social Security gets cut later! Paul, following your strategy would, I say, only make us of the left result in what that classic jazz song of the 1930s said would come about: “You’ll be the richest [or most Politically Correct] man in the graveyard.” We have at this moment to vote for Biden as our only chance to get rid of Trump, get rid of Trump and his Republican troglodyte enablers! Our future literally depends on what happens on Election Day in 2020.

  6. charlie smithers Avatar
    charlie smithers

    I seriously suggest that all who read this reply immediately begin a focused study of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) as documented by Bob Altemeyer, John Duckitt, John T. Jost and many other social psychologists. Based on personality, social and ideological constructs RWA seems to be mistakenly assumed and written off as the more familiar “top down” style of governance. I am sure most who even marginally investigate RWA and SDO will recognize their current manifestations and dangers to the well-being of both the human species and our life-giving planet. The 1960’s was for me and remains an analysis and rejection of the authoritarian system at the basis of not only capitalism but most of our other social institutions as well. Authoritarianism is a self-destructive system of organization and control. Authoritarianism is the embryo of fascism.

  7. Peter Werbe Avatar

    Jill Stein’s Green Party helped Trump carry Michigan in 2016. You learned nothing?

    My involvement in the election will be to mark an absentee ballot for the Democratic Party candidate. Five minutes of my life. That’s it.

  8. eirsatz Avatar

    Many good points raised here, plus a lot of fighting the last war.

    I do think many prominents in the new left regarded the Democrats as their party, and they had some reason to. It had, in living memory, delivered something by the late ’60s and there was reason to feel that direction might continued to be followed. Alas, within a few years those illusions were put to bed and within 20 years the party leadership to a few levels down on the bench had become convinced that to have any chance of getting into power they needed to jettison any economic demands on capital. From there its a short bus journey to Clinton/Obama and the empty vessels trying to persuade us that giving Tara Reade the time of day is fascism.

    But I think we need to periodize things a bit differently to get a handle on where we are now and what the possibilities are for left wing demands and a left program in the US. Bernie is a symptom rather than the cure.

    Looking back to the the late ’90s we start to get an analysis of neoliberalism and the state of global capitalism that shows up in the US in Seattle. That was already a worldwide movement that understood the role of austerity, debt, attacks on the redistributive state, globalization, etc. This followed a period when left youth movements had been experimenting with horizontalism, anti electoralism, environmentalism, and international solidarity. The recession in 08, the bailout and the conscious restructuring of areas like the housing market and the banking sector built on the critique of neoliberalism while it brought it home to Americans. Given that the restructuring was organized by a democratic regime those years persuaded a generation of young people that there is no chance of the DNC delivering anything. Occupy helped by providing an analysis of capitalist power in the US, and most interestingly it was a the moment when the left started to make real demands on capital here at home. Student debt, healthcare, housing, etc all began to form as the basis of a popular movement centered on economic demands, informed by identity yes, but this is a pretty universalist set of demands not based on solidarity with oppressed groups abroad but grounded in a ‘we’ that exists here now in the USA. That’s important.

    The fact that Bernie was able to build those same arguments into a pretty successful run at the nomination, twice, should confirm just how big a sea change we have witnessed. Now, I hope we haven’t put all our eggs in a Bernie basket and I hope this ‘movement of movements’ can continue to build both it’s organizational capacity and it’s recruitment of new people, whether in discreet organizing pushes or into orgs like the DSA. Biden’s candidacy has nothing to do with any of this.

    Yes, it would be nice to see Trump kicked out on his ass and it seems Biden is even making empty promises on some of the demands I mentioned above, perhaps that will juice people. But the two are separate, Biden doesn’t care about any of this stuff and he won’t deliver on anything, AND he’d be better than Trump. We can’t invest political hope in him and we have to understand that we oppose him on day one as a toady to money and power. But as a matter of political pragmatism he (or whatever enemy of the people they parachute in to replace him) has to be elected.

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