We Demand the Immediate Release of Ukrainian Political Prisoners Abducted by the Russian Army


The Ukrainian government announces the abduction in the occupied city of Kherson of the director of the regional theater and director Oleksandr Kniga by the Russian army. Putin is implementing his unfortunately usual policy of terror and intimidation of the populations in the occupied territories, especially those who can speak out against the occupation.

With the entire profession, the CGT Theater, Movie, Audiovisual, and Cultural Workers Union demands the immediate release of the director and all the detainees, and asks the Minister of Culture and the Quai d’Orsay to do everything possible to do so.

We continue our calls to demonstrate against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for peace.

✓Call for donations “SOLIDARITÉ UKRAINE” French trade union organizations call for solidarity: – either by transfer (make sure to mention – SOLIDARITY UKRAINE) IBAN FR76 4255 9100 0008 0035 9721 126 – or by check to: L’AVENIR SOCIAL 263, rue de Paris – box 419 – 93514 MONTREUIL cedex A receipt will be sent to each individual donor (66% of the amount of donations is tax deductible)

✓  Call for the support of our colleagues forced into exile: CGT press release “Unconditional welcome for those fleeing the violence of armed conflicts,” Paris, 24/03/2022.


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