Place: Poland

80 years since the Warsaw Uprising – a view from the Third Camp

The left reaction to Stalin’s betrayal of the Polish Home Army’s uprising

Poland: Women, youth mobilize in election to defeat reaction

How the right as defeated in Poland

From The Mass Strike, The Political Party, and the Trade Unions

In this classic work, Rosa Luxemburg situates mass strikes at the center of revolutionary political dynamics.

Warsaw Ghetto Cycle: Poems

Poems on the Warsaw Ghetto and its resistance.


Revisiting Rosa Luxemburg’s Writings on the 1905 Russian Revolution

Robert Ovetz describes the significance of a new collection of Rosa Luxemburg’s writings on revolution from 1906 to 1909, recently published in English.

The Jewish Labor Bund’s Medem Sanatorium: 1926-1942

Children at the Medem Sanatorium reading the Bund’s daily newspaper, the Folkstsaytung
Secularism and enlightenment swept through the insular world of East European Jewry, starting in the middle of the 19th century, and ending in the 20th with the . . .

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Of Course the Allies Should Have Bombed Auschwitz

Bombing Auschwitz would not have diverted significantly from the actual war effort.  It would have saved thousands or tens of thousands of lives and would have let the world know that Allied moral outrage was more than feel-good propaganda.

Beyond Roe

Strategic Lessons in the Fight for Abortion Rights

Davison and Pospieszyńska discuss the struggles for abortion rights in Poland and Argentina, and their lessons for the US feminist movement.

Poland Chooses between Two Right-Wing Politicians

On Sunday there will be a second round of a presidential election in Poland that may affect not only the politics in Poland but also other regions of Europe. Poles are choosing between two right-wing politicians. What is the cause of this situation and what role does the left play in all of it?

How the Youth-Led Climate Strikes Became a Global Mass Movement

The Global Climate Strike is the result of a whole new generation taking bold action and could be the turning point for grassroots resistance to fossil fuels.

100 years after the death of Rosa Luxemburg


The deaths of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht have haunted the imagination of the left for a century. Joe Sabatini reviews a recent publication exposing the events of their deaths, Klaus Gietinger’s The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg, as well as providing an introduction to some of the literary works inspired by the events of 15 January 1919.

Polish Video Tribute to Joanne Landy

This video in honor of Joanne Landy was made at the request of Piotr Niemczyk, an activist in the 1980’s in the Polish independent peace group “Freedom and Peace.” It was shown at an event in New York City on June 1, 2017, honoring Joanne Landy.



The Black Protest for Abortion Rights in Poland


In Poland the law on abortion is one of the most restrictive in the European Union, sex education does not exist, and contraception is both expensive and hard to obtain because a medical prescription is often needed.

The Change We REALLY Want?

WITH THE ELECTION OF BARACK OBAMA, millions in the United States and around the world are hoping for relief from the dangerous arrogance and destructiveness of George Bush’s foreign policy. President Obama is expected to take important positive initiatives — like closing Guantanamo and lifting the rule denying international organizations receiving U.S. aid the right to let women know about abortion. When the inevitable right-wing reaction to these initiatives comes, it will be crucial for us in the peace movement to defend them.
