Place: Asia

Who’s Buried in the Graveyard of Empires?

The Afghan government’s fate is but the most recent in a long list of cases of puppet entities created by a foreign occupation that collapse when that occupation ends.

RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover

In this brief Q&A, RAWA explains the unfolding situation on the ground as they see it.

One Hundred Years Ago A Very Different Chinese Communist Party Was Born

The Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921 by revolutionary socialists inspired by democratic Marxism and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, was essentially destroyed by Chiang Kai-shek in 1927-28.

The Inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia Conference – Information Here

We think readers of New Politics may want to know about (and participate in)  the inaugural Historical Materialism East Asia conference (online).

Sanctions: An Overview and Application to Myanmar Solidarity

What should the Left’s attitude be towards sanctions against the military regime in Myanmar?

Nicaragua: Ortega Arrests Opposition Candidates Ahead of November 2021 Election

We should reject the argument made by some on the left that we have to support the dictator Ortega and his government because the U.S. is now opposed to it.

Tiananmen: For a Different Kind of Remembrance

Only by becoming connected to young people and their movements can any remembrance of a past movement stand a chance of continuing to renew itself and inspire new generations for social change.

The Lausan Collective on Colonialism in Hong Kong

This is an original translation into English of an interview conducted with Lausan, a collective of writers, translators, artists, and organizers, that appeared in German in IZ3W, a left German publication.

The faux anti-imperialism of denying anti-Uighur atrocities

Why are some Western ‘anti-imperialists’ determined to whitewash China’s well-documented crimes against the Uighurs?

India’s Covid Crisis: Can the Modi Regime Get India Out of It?

It’s hard to live in India these days, surrounded by death, fear and grief. We are inundated with heart-breaking TV reports of people begging for hospital beds and oxygen as their family members die on the pavement or in vehicles gasping for breath.

Turning a Profit from Death

On Modi's Pandemic Response in Neoliberal India

What is happening in India right now is mass murder. And it is organized by a man who has practice in such matters. Narendra Modi has brutally wielded the might of the Indian state to shape a polity safe for capital.

Biden to Remove U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

The U.S.-Afghanistan War, which has lasted almost twenty years, has cost the United States 2,300 soldiers’ lives and two trillion dollars, while more than 100,000 Afghanis have been killed.

The New Cold War With China

The West’s Greatest Folly

Once again, anti-communism is being used to stage a new Cold War. China is viewed as a systemic rival that should be denied access to technology and hampered in its access to markets. The goal is military containment and encirclement.

Biden’s Plan to Revamp American Imperialism

American socialists face the task of opposing American imperialism while showing internationalist solidarity with struggles for democracy, social reforms, and socialism in countries around the world.

When Your Enemy’s Enemy is Not a Friend

The problem with the campist perspective is that it so fixates on the role of imperialism and places so much emphasis on its ‘anti-imperialist camp’ that it ends up taking a very forgiving view of oppressive regimes.

State-Corporatist Alliance and Farmers’ Unrest in India

The ongoing Indian farmers’ protest in reaction to corporatisation of agricultural land and access to Mandis (open markets) demands an urgent legal reexamination of its impact on agrarian labour and small-scale farmers.


A Story from a Defeated Struggle

Sri Lanka’s bloody civil war.


China’s Workers Battle Apple and Foxconn

Foxconn promises the world but delivers hell, as the authors lay bare.

Authoritarianism and Resistance in India

Samantha Agarwal discusses the foundations of BJP rule in India and prospects for resistance. (From our Summer 2020 issue.)


A Leftist Perspective on China’s Environmental Destruction

As “part of China,” we Hong Kongers have seen how China’s economic growth has contributed to the degradation of its environment. To be fair, Hong Kong’s economic takeoff had already harmed its environment before China took over the city. We . . .

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Anti-communism with Chinese characteristics

Replacing one capitalist empire with another is futile

Any form of anti-imperialist politics that focuses on nations invariably arrives at pitting one of the faces of capitalism against another, which can only ever reproduce the very system it claims to fight.
