Issue section: Anti-Imperialism and the Rise of Authoritarianism, “Left” and Right

Anti-Imperialism and the Rise of Authoritarianism, “Left” and Right

WITH MILITARISM AND AUTHORITARIANISM ON THE RISE in numerous global and regional powers, there is a crucial need for updating and strengthening a politics of socialist anti-imperialism. Historically, many on the left felt the need to ally with the Soviet
Union . . .

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“Campism” and the “New” (Anti-) Imperialisms

An exploration of the meaning and implications of “campism.”

From the Russian Revolution to Russia Today

The relationship between Russia and the left from 1917.

Authoritarianism and Resistance in India

The Fight Against Modi and Hindutva in the Era of COVID-19

Samantha Agarwal discusses the foundations of BJP rule in India and prospects for resistance.

China and the United States: A New Cold War

The United States and China are locked in a spiraling conflict over everything from the pandemic to trade, investment, high tech, geopolitics, and military hegemony in Asia.
