Zoe Zhao and Olia Shu analyze many forms of exploitation of women workers in China, such as in family workshops and digital platforms, and their resistance.
Zoe Zhao and Olia Shu analyze many forms of exploitation of women workers in China, such as in family workshops and digital platforms, and their resistance.
Marian Jones analyzes many forms of resistance for abortion rights, including grassroots abortion funding, underground networks for medication and shield laws for doctors.
The most important Black candidate of the radical 1960s and 70s, if we judge by votes and delegates, was Shirley Chisholm.
Dilar Dirik, The Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice (London: Pluto Press, 2022)
On November 20th, Turkey launched Operation Claw-Sword, a large-scale campaign of drone attacks killing civilians and militants in the predominantly Kurdish regions of Syria and Iraq.1 Then, in . . .
At this time, international solidarity with women in Iran is critically important in order to help the continuation of the current courageous wave of protests in defense of women and against state brutality.
Dawn Marie Paley analyzes the rising feminist movements, state repression, and transphobia in Mexico today.
Davison and Pospieszyńska discuss the struggles for abortion rights in Poland and Argentina, and their lessons for the US feminist movement.
We, feminists from Ukraine, call on feminists around the world to stand in solidarity with the resistance movement of the Ukrainian people against the predatory, imperialist war unleashed by the Russian Federation.