Place: Chicago
Book Review

The Veracity of Fiction

With Radioactive Radicals, Dan La Botz has written a bold and unique novel that is ultimately a novel of questions and uncertainties.

Cornel West for President?  Part 5 – Clifton DeBerry, The First Black Candidate for President 1964.

The first Black candidate for president was Clifton DeBerry, the nominee of the Socialist Workers Party in 1964, running against right-wing Republican Barry Goldwater and liberal Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. Harassed by the FBI, DeBerry would have a tough row to hoe.


Rage Against the Machine

Chicago Democratic Politics and their Contradictions

Guy Miller reviews Gordon K. Mantler’s “The Multiracial Promise,” an account and analysis of Harold Washington’s mayoralty in Chicago in the 1980s.

Mumia Time or Sweeney Time

Dave Roediger wrote in 2000, “[T]he extent to which Abu-Jamal knows that he needs to identify with the labor movement, and that some in the labor movement know that they need to support him, signals what the working class movement is becoming and can be.”

Parents’ huge stake in the Chicago Teachers Union strike

A harsh reality of teachers’ strikes is that they hit parents – moms especially, who still do most of the work of caring for kids and housework – the hardest. Parents are left frantically searching for childcare options, especially if . . .

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Education Workers in Chicago Are Challenging the U.S. Ruling Class

Though the media is casting the strike of education workers in the Chicago Public Schools as (just) another episode in the wave of teachers’ strikes, and the press in Chicago is doing its best to defeat the union, this contract . . .

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