Issue section: The Climate Crisis

The Planning and Politics of Transformation

World War II Lessons for a Green New Deal

What can the original New Deal teach us about how to mobilize a Green New Deal?

Animal Liberation Is Climate Justice

Struggles and Strategies from Below

Schleifer and Fischer make a case for the importance of animal liberation as part of the struggle for socialism.

Precarity and Green Unionism

In a real sense, under capitalism, all workers are precarious, meaning that they can be downsized, replaced, deskilled, outsourced, and so on. It’s simply a matter of degree.

Introduction to Articles on the Climate Crisis

In August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—the UN-sponsored body that brings together the world’s leading climate scientists—issued its latest report on what is happening to the world’s climate. We have known for decades that increased emissions of . . .

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The Climate Crisis

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