Issue number: 75

Unravelling “Arrythmia”

Jonas Marvin reviews Alexander Billet’s book “Shake the City,” which explores the role of music in social movements.

From The Mass Strike, The Political Party, and the Trade Unions

In this classic work, Rosa Luxemburg situates mass strikes at the center of revolutionary political dynamics.


Dramatic, Beautiful, and (Perhaps a Little too Much) Fun

Review of a Netflix series on the efforts to get refugees out of Marseilles in 1940-41

Warsaw Ghetto Cycle: Poems

Poems on the Warsaw Ghetto and its resistance.

Beyond Capitalism: A Participatory Economy

What do those who are fed up with capitalism propose to put in its place?

A vision of how a socialist, participatory economy could function.


Revisiting Rosa Luxemburg’s Writings on the 1905 Russian Revolution

Robert Ovetz describes the significance of a new collection of Rosa Luxemburg’s writings on revolution from 1906 to 1909, recently published in English.

Searching for the American Worker

Kevin Van Meter discusses the 1947 pamphlet “the American Worker,” its international impact and the significance of workers’ inquiry.

The Lessons of Anti-Racist Action

Shane Burley interviews militants from the antifascist network Anti-Racist Action, active in North America between the 1980s and early 2000s.


A Progressive Analysis of Veterans and Veterans Affairs

Betsy Zucker reviews Gordon et al.’s book “Our Veterans,” on the veterans’ healthcare in the US and the threat of privatization.


Recognizing the Counterrevolution!

Frances Fox Piven reviews and praises Stephen Steinberg’s book Counterrevolution, on the rise of the racist right in the US, attacking the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement.


The Limits of State-Centric Analysis of the Latin American Left

In their review of Gaudichaud et al.’s book, “The Impasse of the Latin American Left,” Paley and Whitener call for greater focus on autonomous social movements.


Rage Against the Machine

Chicago Democratic Politics and their Contradictions

Guy Miller reviews Gordon K. Mantler’s “The Multiracial Promise,” an account and analysis of Harold Washington’s mayoralty in Chicago in the 1980s.


From Kosovo to Ukraine

Promise Li reviews Gilbert Achcar’s “The New Cold War,” an analysis of inter-imperialist rivalry between the US, Russia, and China.

The Cuban Left, More Critical and Decolonized

Raymar Aguado Hernández denounces Cuban state repression of critical leftists

The Cuban Reality

Lynn Cruz calls for situating Cuban politics in the context of the world capitalist system

The False Dilemma Fallacy

Alina Bárbara López Hernández rejects the Cuban state’s claim to be on the left.

Introduction to Marginalized Discourse: Voices from the Critical Left in Cuba

James Buckwalter-Arias introduces the collection of contributions from critical leftists in Cuba.

The Historical Burden of Actually Existing Socialism

Alexander Hall Lujardo develops the emancipatory anti-capitalist critique of Cuban state socialism.

Cuba and the World

Lisbeth Moya González discusses how the international left can be in solidarity with the critical Cuban left.

Ukraine and the Indian Left

An Interview with Kavita Krishnan

The ties between India and Russia, and a call for the Indian left to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

Mapping the Radical Imagination

A Relational Genealogy of the Puerto Rican Left Since the 1990s

José A. Laguarta Ramírez presents an in-depth discussion of the history of the Puerto Rican radical left.
