Issue: Winter 2007

New Politics Vol. XI, no. 2, Whole Number 42

New Politics Vol. XI, no. 2, Whole Number 42

From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Reid Mandell
Middle East Developments, Stephen R. Shalom
Is the Bush Administration Fascist?, Matthew W. Lyons

Iranian Workers Fight Back!, Andreas Malm and Shora Esmalian

CBC Unleashed, Karen Wirsig

The World Social . . .

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The Return of Limits

"Nature has a habit of returning with a pitchfork" — Francis Bacon

Marx and Weber: Critics of Capitalism

In spite of their undeniable differences, Marx and Weber have much in common in their understanding of modern capitalism: they both perceive it as a system where "the individuals are ruled by abstractions (Marx), where the impersonal and "thing-like" (Versachlicht) relations replace the personal relations of dependence, and where the accumulation of capital becomes an end in itself, largely irrational.

Socialists, Democrats and Political Action: It's the Movements that Matter

The following is a slightly expanded text of remarks given at a pre-election debate on the topic, "Is a Progressive Democratic Party Possible." Michael Hirsch, representing the Democratic Socialists of America, spoke for the affirmative, as did Al Ronzoni of Progressive Democrats of America. The negative argument was given by Howie Hawkins of the New York State Green Party and Danny Katch of the International Socialist Organization. The event was held at New York City's Judson Memorial Church on Nov. 3, 2006.

More War, No Debate: Progressives Give Clinton a Free Pass

1, 2, 3, 4,
Clinton voted for the war!
5, 6, 7, 8,
That was not a real debate!

Can a Progressive Democrat Make a Difference?: Running Against Hillary

Jonathan Tasini made enemies when he ran against Senator Hillary Clinton in New York State's September 2006 Democratic primary. Some liberal Democrats called his effort a quixotic and self-referential campaign, one that would accomplish nothing beyond potentially harming Clinton's own political standing. Others to Tasini's left wrote off his campaign as a diversion, a way of co-opting critics of neo-liberalism onto a narrow path while draining resources from potentially insurgent third party efforts.

The Democratic Party and the Future of American Politics

1. Fiddling While Rome Burns

The Political Economy of Psychotherapy

In the U.S. today, psychotherapy, or for that matter any study of the psychodynamics or interpersonal processes involved in mental and emotional difficulties in living, is on the wane. The cause of the decline is the subject here, but to understand it, it must be viewed in the context of the changes to health care in general that have taken place in the past several decades in the U.S.


A country's economic system and its cultural practices shape its adoption practices. For example, in Western societies adoption practices are very different from those in the preliterate subsistence economies of Eastern Oceania.

Oaxaca Uprising

"Ulises nos decia: 'ni marchas ni plantones'. Aqui le demostramos que somos mas cabrones."

("Ulises told us: no marches and no protests. Here we'll show him that we're more badass than he is.")

SEIU Confronts the Home Care Crisis in California

Defining the Crisis

The World Social Forum and the Emergence of Global Grassroots Politics

[This is an expanded and documented version of an article that appeared in New Politics, no. 42.][1]

Is the Bush Administration Fascist?

The idea that the Bush administration is imposing fascism on the United States has become increasingly commonplace in leftist and liberal circles. It's often taken as a given in political discussions, at protest rallies, and on the Internet. Sometimes this is little more than name calling, but over the past six years, a number of critics have offered serious arguments to back up the claim, and the claim deserves serious attention.

Middle East Developments

"What we're seeing here, in a sense, is … the birth pangs of a new Middle East…."

— Condoleezza Rice, July 21, 2006


From the Editors

For more than 150 years socialists have insisted that only workers themselves can make any fundamental change in social relations because only workers organizing themselves in the process of struggle to become a governing class can ensure that the old class society isn't reproduced by a new class of exploiters; the new society created by them would have democratic workers' control over the means of production. Revolutions in such countries as China, Cuba, Vietnam, and N.
