Below is an appeal from Mark Dow for the Haitian popular radio work of New Politics writer Sony Esteus and his colleagues in the wake of Haiti’s devastating earthquake. I hope you can make a contribution, even if it is modest. Send a donation to our office, New Politics, 155 W. 72nd Street, Rm 402, NY, NY 10025 or go give through PayPal on our website As always, gifts to New Politics are tax deductible; please indicate that the donation is for Haiti. To contact Mark directly, write him at
In solidarity,
Joanne Landy, member, New Politics editorial board
Dear Friends,
I have been in touch by email with Sony Esteus, who wrote about Haiti for New Politics back in 2001, and directs SAKS (the Creole acronym for Society for Social Mobilization and Communication). SAKS is part of a network of Haitian popular radio, which Sony has defined as radio in the struggle to transform society.
I asked Sony what help is most urgent. His answer: money to help SAKS colleagues get housing. There are 14 staff members, half of whom are living in tents with their families. An apartment in Port-au-Prince costs about $1500 US/year, though everyone’s needs are different, he said.
Sony recently told an interviewer: “I want to thank all the grassroots people and organizations everywhere that are standing with us. We see the U.S. government taking advantage of a humanitarian crisis to send in 20,000 soldiers, reinforce our dependence, and pursue its own policies. But we know that there are people in the U.S. and elsewhere who are helping us get out of this situation.”
Contributions to New Politics Associates marked for Haiti or SAKS will go to Sony Esteus for local distribution to help SAKS staff and their families. Thanks in advance for your help.
Mark Dow
Brooklyn, NY
For further reference:
*Sony’s 2001 New Politics article, “Haiti: The Crisis Persists”:
* – in French and Creole.
*SAKS (Society for Social Mobilization and Communication)
*Related videos here —
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