Author: Brian Tokar

Brian Tokar is an activist and author, director of the Institute for Social Ecology, and a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. He is the author of The Green Alternative, Earth for Sale, and Toward Climate Justice, edited two books on the politics of biotechnology, Redesigning Life? and Gene Traders, and co-edited the recent collection, Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance and Renewal (with Fred Magdoff).

Why Socialists need to be at the Peoples Climate March

Defying Apocalypse



Image by Ricardo Levins Morales

Today it often feels as though we are hopelessly mired in apocalyptic thinking, both in our social movements and in popular culture.

The Myths of “Green Capitalism”

Today environmental politics in the U.S. appears hopelessly polarized. Liberals and progressives try to sustain and occasionally strengthen environmental legislation, while those on the right are inalterably opposed, even seeking to defund core institutions such as the EPA. This extreme polarization, where anti-environmentalism has become part of the cultural as well as the political apparatus of the right, is a recent, and hopefully short-lived, phenomenon.1
