In Staten Island, one union local is propelling a growing labor-community alliance deep in New York’s Republican recesses.
JANE LATOUR is an associate editor for the Public Employee Press, District Council 37, AFSCME. Her oral history about women pioneers in nontraditional blue-collar jobs, Sisters in the Brotherhoods: Working Women Organizing for Equality in New York City, was published in paperback by Palgrave/Macmillan in July 2009.
In Staten Island, one union local is propelling a growing labor-community alliance deep in New York’s Republican recesses.
Of all the profiles written about Bob Fitch during his lifetime—in Forbes Magazine, Monthly Labor Review, etc.—two of the best were penned by student journalists. In typical Fitch fashion, he made time for the students, sharing his experiences, insights and passions. Jessica Johnson met Fitch while interning for the late veteran labor journalist Martin Fishgold, a friend of Fitch and his fierce partisan.