Author: Martin Duberman

MARTIN DUBERMAN Distinguished Professor Emeritus at City University of New York (CUNY), is the author of some two dozen books, including In White America, Paul Robeson, Black Mountain: An Experiment in Community, and Cures: A Gay Man's Odyssey. His most recent work, The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein, was one of two Finalists for the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in Biography. This article consists of excerpts from Duberman's forthcoming (The New Press, 2009) memoir.

Gay Leftie Seeks Straight Friends

THE PRESENCE ON MANY CAMPUSES of a significant number of liberals ("Of course gay people are entitled to the full rights of citizenship") proved critical in allowing lesbian and gay studies to gain a toehold. But as I kept discovering, unpleasantly, a willingness to grant us basic rights wasn't remotely the equivalent of actually wanting to know about our lives — let alone of believing that our distinctive perspectives might have anything of importance to say to them.
