Author: John D'Emilio

JOHN D'EMILIO teaches in history and gender & women's studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The founding director of the Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, he is the author or editor of half a dozen books, including Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin.

Can the Left Ignore Gay Liberation?

THE JESUITS TRAINED ME WELL. My high school speech and debate coach taught me how to speak in complete paragraphs and to construct what he described as a "seamless" argument. Many years later, a close friend and fellow historian used the same word in reference to my historical writing. He described one of my books as a "seamless" narrative. Well, that skill, if I have it, has eluded me as I've tried to compose my contribution to this discussion. So, instead, I offer a series of disconnected, but I hope relevant, observations.
