Author: Cherise Charleswell

Colin Jenkins is a member of the IWW (Wobblies) and author of A Fatal Agenda: The Social, Economic, and Democratic Consequences of Neoliberalism. Cherise Charleswell, is a womanist, author, poet, blogger, entrepreneur, and host and producer of the Wombanist Views radio show. Both write for the Hampton Institute, a working-class think tank. Both write for the Hampton Institute.

Debt, Underemployment, and Capitalism

The Rise of Twenty-First-Century Serfdom

ImageSystemic contradictions of capitalism have only intensified in the neoliberal era. Structural unemployment, a phenomenon directly related to capitalist modes of production, has continued unabated, creating a massive and ever-growing “reserve army of labor” that has been disenfranchised on an unprecedented scale. 
