Author: Dan La Botz

Open Letter on the Occasion of the São Paulo Forum in Brasilia from June 29 to July 2, 2023

Daniel Ortega and what remains of the Sandinista Front present themselves as left-wing and anti-imperialist, but, far from this proclaimed discourse, they have for many years already abandoned their principles…

Boy Murdered by French Police, Protests Follow, Macron Calls them “Inexplicable,” After all, Race Doesn’t Exist in France

I say he was a French boy, because in official circles in France and in society at large race does not exist and so therefore neither does racism.

France: Criminal policing, systemic racism, anti-social policies: supporting a legitimate revolt

The NPA calls on people to mobilize alongside angry young people, to gather in front of town halls, every evening if necessary, to express our rage and our demands.

Appeal on Behalf of Working-Class Youth in France

A large proportion of young people are subjected to racism on a daily basis, victims of prejudice, discrimination and violence.

Hugo Blanco, Peruvian Revolutionary, Dead at 88. I Met Him Once. It Was a Magical Experience

Blanco, the Peruvian revolutionary is dead. I met him once back in 1996. It was an experience of magical realism.

The Right and “The People”: In the Beginning Was Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi has died at the age of 86….He will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark.

Social reproduction, rebellion and the problem of the state

Elections are superimposed on social struggles through a process that obscures and disorganizes them, and that recodifies grassroots demands, altering and distorting their language and content.

Cornel West for President? What Does the Left Think? Part 1

West’s candidacy will take place in the left lane of American politics usually occupied by other groups such as the Green Party and the Democratic Socialists of America.

Against Half-Solidarity and False Pacifism – Statement of the Russian Socialist Movement on May Day

May Day is not only International Workers’ Day but also a day of solidarity with the oppressed peoples and civil disobedience against war.

What’s Wrong with Ukraine’s Wartime Diplomacy in the Global South

In the month of the first anniversary of Russia’s illegal and brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine, president Volodymyr Zelensky held a speech at the European Parliament, where he declared Russia to be “the biggest anti-European force of the modern world”[1]. By . . .

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Book Review Essay: Mexico, Transnational and World Revolution

While I admire the political values of these two scholars, I don’t find either of these books satisfying because they like many other authors perpetuate the romantic view of Ricardo Flores Magón.

On the Anniversary of Russia’s War on Ukraine: Analyzing the Roots of Russian Imperialism

Ukraine has long been a victim of Russian imperialism, pre-capitalist, capitalist, Soviet, and then state-capitalist.

Nicaragua: Ortega Strips Nationality from 94 Opponents

Years ago, the famous Nicaraguan poet Giaconda Belli wrote,

¿Qué sos, Nicaragua

Para dolerme tanto?

What are you, Nicaragua

To hurt me so?

The lines seem particularly poignant and appropriate now.

A Critique of Commodified Healthcare

Only once we understand this can we then appreciate that our society needs a structure to control the amount of buying and selling of life that can occur. It needs to be regulated. There must exist a central regulatory body whose role is to limit the unrelenting power of commodified healthcare. This can only occur in a system where healthcare is run at a state or federal level.

Nicaragua: Ortega and Biden Make a Deal

The release of the prisoners now makes it possible for President Biden and Blinken to make a deal with Ortega that would improve his situation—removing the sanctions—while increasing U.S. influence in Nicaragua. Ortega accused the opponents he imprisoned of being traitors working for the United States, but it is he who wants a closer relationship with Washington.

Ukraine: Those who choose not to see, those who choose not to hear, those who choose to forget

Those who speak of “peace” by not supporting the legitimate right of Ukrainian peoples to self-determination and to live, those who break with support for national liberation struggles are mistaken and contribute to undermining the rights of all citizens, in Ukraine and around the world.

Far Right Politicians Become a Power in the U.S. Congress

A Klan march in Washington, D.C. in 1925.
The far right has for the first time in a hundred years established itself as a force in the U.S. Congress. A group of just ten percent of the Republicans in Congress now . . .

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Letter from an American to Russian Soldiers as Christmas Approaches

Putin could end this war today if he wanted. So could you and your comrades in arms if you refuse to fight or simply begin to go home.

The Bridge of Stones: A Migrant Christmas Story

If the scene that unfolded December 11 was part of an “invasion” frequently voiced by the U.S. right, it was a curious one, indeed: no battle between antagonistic armies was fought. Many of the “invaders,” were in fact children.

Peru in Flames

The government of Pedro Castillo didn’t really change many of the policies that came before, we did not find measures that have endangered those at the top, nor have they benefited those below. In the statements of the simple men and women of the mobilized populations we find a constant: The elite did not let Castillo govern because he was one of them. And they are right.

The Ukrainian Left’s View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

It is a precious recognition that negotiations in the understanding of the current Russian government can only take place as a continuation of accumulating multi-layered lies, which appears to be the foundation of the public communication strategy of the Putin regime.
