Occupy America: A Call for Articles
Occupy Wall Street and its hundreds of offshoots in cities and towns across the country is the most exciting and important development on the American left in years. The occupiers accuse Wall Street and the government and political parties of abusing and neglecting the American people and call for a more democratic and just society. Originally a handful of young activists, the movement has grown to involve thousands who come from all races and ethnicities, religions and convictions, genders and ages. Working class people were among the founders and now the unions have come on down to Wall Street and to Main Street in many parts of the country. The jackets and t-shirts bear the logos of Machinists and Carpenters, pink triangles and “stop fracking,” as well as “End War” and on the buttons: 99%. The chants ring out: “We are the 99%!” and “This is what democracy looks like!”
The corporate media has claimed the movement has no goals—but its goal is clear: change the economic and social system to benefit the country’s people. Many would say to benefit the world’s people. Inspired by Tahrir Square, by Spain’s indignados, by the workers of Wisconsin, and by the handful of idealists who first occupied Wall Street, we now have the beginning of a new mass movement for democracy and social justice. We at New Politics shout out with all of you, “We are the 99%.” We invite you to Occupy New Politics with your reports and your interpretations of these important events. So, as you march, rally and occupy, record, report, write and reflect and send your views to us.
Michael Hirsch, Occupy Wall Street and Labor: The Closest pf Strangers
George Fish, To the Occupy Kids — Some Words from a Geezer
Joanne Landy, Occupy Wall Street and the Democrats
Sheila D. Collins, Sharing the Torch: Youth of the 60s Meet With the Youth of OWS
Dan La Botz, Occupy the Democratic Party? No Way!
Sheila D. Collins, The Camel and the Needle’s Eye
Sheila D. Collins, Occupy Wall Street: The Making of a New World
Dan La Botz, The Stones Cry Out: The Power of the Occupation in the City Square
Riad Azar, A New Form of Protest
Ben Schreiner, Occupy Wall Street in Context: Systemic Crisis and Rebellion
Dave Friedman, On the Occupy Wall Street Action Plan
Barry Finger, Social Security and the 1%
Joanne Landy, Occupy Rome
Scott McLemee, Welcome to the Occupation
Alexi Shalom, Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Your City. Occupy Your Campus
Dan La Botz, Why Occupy Cincinnati? Because We’re a Microcosm of the Country
Anna Lekas Miller, From #SidiBouzid to #OccupyWallStreet
Lois Weiner, Pushing Back on Wall Street’s Educational Agenda
John Halle, The Occupy Wall Street March