Issue section: U.S. Politics and Labor

Continuing the Discussion on Black Politics

Replying to Cedric Johnson: I think Johnson over-diagnoses the problem. Where he sees danger, I see opportunity and where I see opportunity, he sees danger.

From the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to Black Lives Matter

On SNCC’s 60th Anniversary

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee began as an organization of students from black colleges in the South to integrate lunch counters that refused service to blacks. The tactic they used was the nonviolent direct action sit-in. What began . . .

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Syndicalism’s Legacy and Left Labor Strategy Today

In the first two decades of the twentieth century, dissident revolutionaries built a rival tradition—the syndicalist movement.

Take My Benefits—Please!

Employment-based Health Care Has Become an Anchor Around the Neck of the U.S. Working Class

At the June 2019 House Ways and Means Committee Hearing on Medicare for All, Texas Republican Kevin Murphy lamented, “That great health care plan that your union negotiated for you? It’s gone. Banned under Medicare for All.”
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Problems with an Electoral Road to Socialism in the United States

In a welcome sign, the recent revitalization of the socialist left, particularly the spectacular growth of Democratic Socialists of America, has revived debate about the road to socialism. Also, fortunately, the discussion, which has partially played out in . . .

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