Issue section: U.S. Politics

Culture Wars, Nationalism, and the Politics of History

Daniel Johnson analyzes struggles over historical narratives in the US, and calls for renewal of history from below, against the right-wing censorship.

Capitalism, Imperialism, and Global Displacement

Justin Akers Chacón discusses how the crises of global capitalism and imperialism are causing mass displacement of immigrants, who are targeted by fascist and bourgeois political forces.

The Case for Open Borders

The Political Argument—Never Merely Theater

John Washington calls for abolition of borders, which he argues are dangerous, artificial and illegitimate.

The Fightback on Reproductive Rights

Marian Jones analyzes many forms of resistance for abortion rights, including grassroots abortion funding, underground networks for medication and shield laws for doctors.

Electoral Democracy and the Roberts Court

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport outlines various threats to voting rights and democratic elections, posed by the conservative Supreme Court.

Cornel West, Jill Stein, and the Green Party

An assessment of left third party presidential campaigns in the United States

Turmoil in American Politics

American politics are in turmoil, all of politics in the broadest sense. 
In the White House, in the Congress, in the courts, in state governments, in communities urban, suburban, and rural, in labor and social movements, and in the streets. . . .

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The Party’s Over

The Crisis of Left Electoralism

Socialists need to use the growing working class surge to get beyond the dead end of mainstream electoral politics.

The 2023 Rutgers Wall-to-Wall Strike

Taking the Class Struggle in Higher Education to a New Level

Lessons from the historic and broad-based Rutgers strike.

The 2022 Midterms

We Are Not Back to Normal, We Are Facing Normalization

Dan La Botz analyzes the 2022 US Midterm elections and challenges facing the left.

Moore v. Harper

A Case that Threatens Democracy

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport discusses the dangers to democracy posed by the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case Moore v. Harper.
