Issue section: Culture

Unravelling “Arrythmia”

Jonas Marvin reviews Alexander Billet’s book “Shake the City,” which explores the role of music in social movements.


Dramatic, Beautiful, and (Perhaps a Little too Much) Fun

Review of a Netflix series on the efforts to get refugees out of Marseilles in 1940-41

Warsaw Ghetto Cycle: Poems

Poems on the Warsaw Ghetto and its resistance.

The Revolutionary Spirit

A discussion of the work of the Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

The Imaginative Dialectic in the Novels of Victor Serge

A discussion of Victor Serge’s novels and how literature can enrich revolutionary socialist politics.

Satire and Healing

A Conversation with Singer/Songwriter Roy Zimmerman

An interview with the political singer-songwriter whose anti-Trump song got over 100 million views on social media.

American Gothic; or, What Melville Can Teach Us

What Melville crafted might paradoxically be called a gothic humanism. While probing the depths of human depravity with lyricism and wit, Melville’s fiction directly confronted slavery and capitalism.
