Category: Electoral Politics

Libertarianism and the Far Right

Not So Strange Bedfellows

The Libertarian Party has become just another flavor of the same reaction that propelled Trump to office in the first place.

The Mexican Election – For an Independent, Anti-capitalist and Anti-Patriarchal Left Bloc.

In this panorama, different organizations and collectives of the independent left see the need to form an Independent, Anti-capitalist and Anti-Patriarchal Left Bloc to strengthen the organization and mobilization independent of the government and the right.

Mexico: Sheinbaum and the Generals

laudia Sheinbaum, the ruling party’s 2024 presidential candidate, does not have AMLO’s power and is unlikely to enjoy his level of support among legislators.

Participatory Democracy Minus Endless Meetings

Gar Lipow proposes use of revocable proxies in representative democracy and neighborhood assemblies based on participatory democracy.

Electoral Democracy and the Roberts Court

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport outlines various threats to voting rights and democratic elections, posed by the conservative Supreme Court.

Cornel West, Jill Stein, and the Green Party

An assessment of left third party presidential campaigns in the United States

The Party’s Over

The Crisis of Left Electoralism

Socialists need to use the growing working class surge to get beyond the dead end of mainstream electoral politics.

The Modi Moment

Aparna Sundar analyzes the basis of Modi’s authoritarian rule in India, including Hindutva, predatory capitalism, populist performance, and repression.

Could the U.S. Become Involved in a War Between Venezuela and Guyana?

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro shows new map of Venezuela’s incorporation Eusebio Province of Guyana.
The United States has taken the first steps in becoming involved in a potential war between Venezuela and Guyana. President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela is claiming the . . .

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Poland: Women, youth mobilize in election to defeat reaction

How the right as defeated in Poland

Black Candidates for President

Clifton DeBerry for President – 1964.

Black Presidential Candidates

The first Black candidate for president was Clifton DeBerry, the nominee of the Socialist Workers Party in 1964, running against right-wing Republican Barry Goldwater and liberal Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. Harassed by the FBI, DeBerry would have a tough row to hoe.

Angela Davis for Vice-President 1984 and 1988

Black Candidates for President

Davis’ loyalty to the  CP led her in 1980 and 1984 to accept the party’s assignment that she be the running mate of diehard Stalinist party leader Gus Hall.

Shirley Chisholm for President – 1972

Black Candidates for President

The most important Black candidate of the radical 1960s and 70s, if we judge by votes and delegates, was Shirley Chisholm.

A New Era in Turkey?

The significance of Turkey’s May 14 election

Nicaragua: Ortega and Biden Make a Deal

The release of the prisoners now makes it possible for President Biden and Blinken to make a deal with Ortega that would improve his situation—removing the sanctions—while increasing U.S. influence in Nicaragua. Ortega accused the opponents he imprisoned of being traitors working for the United States, but it is he who wants a closer relationship with Washington.


The Rise and Fall of the Corbyn Left

A review of Michael Chessum’s inside account and analysis of Corbynism’s trajectories and defeat.

Abenomics and the Liberal Democratic Party

Bad Politics for Japan

Donald C. Wood assesses the failed record of economic policies pursued by Shinzo Abe, right-wing former Prime Minister of Japan.

The 2022 Midterms

We Are Not Back to Normal, We Are Facing Normalization

Dan La Botz analyzes the 2022 US Midterm elections and challenges facing the left.

Moore v. Harper

A Case that Threatens Democracy

Legal scholar Elizabeth Rapaport discusses the dangers to democracy posed by the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case Moore v. Harper.

On the Eve of National Elections, Looking Backward

Italy’s Rising Black Tide, A Creeping Counter-Revolution

On September 25 Italy will hold elections following the resignation of Prime Minister Pario Draghi and the concern is palpable.

Political Dimensions of the Crisis in Sri Lanka

The role of the various Sri Lankan political parties in the current crisis.
