Category: Students

Reflections of a Student Organizer

Aristotle Wu discusses the strength and the challenges of the US student movement for Palestine, which organized solidarity encampments for Gaza on many campuses.

On the Student Barricades

The Frontlines of Campus Resistance to Genocide

Mathew Foresta reports from Gaza solidarity encampments on various university campuses in Los Angeles, which faced threats and attacks from Zionist counter-protestors.

On the raging student movement in Bangladesh

The complex politics of the student protests in Bangladesh

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam?

In response to peaceful student anti-war protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

“We Must Rebuild a Left-wing Student Union in Ukraine”: Interview with Ukrainian Student Activists

Ukrainian students: Maxim and Katya
Patrick Le Tréhondat of the Syllepse Publishing House collective conducted an interview with two Ukrainian university students, Katya and Maxim. Katya studies at the Academy of the Arts and Maxim is a computer science student. This . . .

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