Students fighting for their future – and ours – in Santiago, Newark, Chicago

Student protests in defense of public education as a right are spreading across the globe. The courage young people are showing is remarkable, as they confront governments who do the bidding of bankers while pretending to put “students first.”  Student protests in Chile have resumed, with between 80,000 – 150,000 young people taking to the streets in Santiago, to demand free public education. And now students in the US are teaching us how to reclaim the narrative of equal educational opportunity, which has been hijacked by neoliberalism. Worth a quick view: The Chicago students get set for their protest on April 24. Just two weeks ago, Newark NJ students organized a walkout.  Public schools and students are  “under-resourced, over-tested, and fed up!” say Chicago youth.  They are fighting for their (and our) future, and they deserve our whole-hearted support.