New Politics Vol. XIII No. 3, Whole Number 51

From the Editors

The Essential Bob Fitch, Jane Latour

Worldwide Demonstrations and strikes

  • General Strikes and Massive Demonstrations Challenge Neoliberal Reforms in France, Richard Greeman
  • Revolutionary Challenges in Tunisia and Egypt: Generations in Conflict, Stuart Schaar
  • Wisconsin’s Cheesehead Revolt, Paul Buhle
  • Global Governance and Revolution in the 21st Century, Steven Colatrella

Good Neighbor Imperialism — Latin American Relations Under Obama, Walt Vanderbush

The Bard ISM Student Organization Controversy, Leon Botstein

A Young Radical’s View of Marriage, Amy Littlefield

Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly, Herman Rosenfeld

Letter from Ireland, Lily Murphy

Torture and Historical Memory, Robert Pallitto

In Defense of Public Education, Megan Behrent

More Democracy, Less Poverty, Larry Patriquin

Toward an Independent Working-class Climate Movement, Daniel Randall and Paul Hampton

Starting All Over from Scratch, Sheila Cohen

Book Reviews

  • Au Loong Yu, How Socialist Is the Chinese Party State? rev. of Wang Hui, The End of the Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity
  • Michael Wreszin, Reading People’s Mail Should Be Fun — Not This Time, rev. of Saul Bellow, Letters, ed. Benjamin Taylor
  • Sam Kradel, The Inner Lives of the Conquerors, rev. of Richard Immerman, Empire for Liberty: A History of America from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz
  • Dan La Botz, Vicissitudes of a Theory, rev. of Michael Löwy, The Politics of Combined and Uneven Development: The Theory of Permanent Revolution
  • Herman Benson, Left Pitted Against Left in “Labor’s Civil Wars,” rev. of Steve Early, The Civil Wars In U.S. Labor
  • Manfred McDowell, Sky Without Light, rev. of Ngo Van, In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary
  • Laurie Calhoun, Neither Masks Nor Gloves, rev. of Tony Geraghty, Soldiers of Fortune and Black Ops
  • George Fish, Red Rosa: An Intimate Self-Portrait, rev. of Letters of Rosa Luxemburg, eds., Annelies Laschitza, Georg Adler, and Peter Hudis, tr. by George Shriver
  • Michael Wreszin, The Dr. Jeckyl And Mr. Hyde Of 20th Century Intellectual History, rev. of Michael Scammell, Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a 20th Century Skeptic
  • Dan La Botz, Sartre and the Idea of Freedom in the Anti-Colonial Struggle, rev. of Paige Arthur, Unfinished Projects: Decolonization and the Philosophy of J. P. Sartre

Words And Pictures

Kent Worcester, Superhero Politics, rev. of Erich Origen and Gan Golan, The Adventures of Unemployed Man